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Casino Players Say Goodbye to Lady Luck. By Ray Pesta

Casino players, get rid of the idea of luck. There are those who think of luck as some sort of force outside of themselves, perhaps even a personification, Lady Luck, and they believe that if they woo her by carrying enough good luck charms she will come tripping into their lives sprinkling star dust on the Blackjack and Craps tables so they can walk away with a fortune. That¹s fantasy. It may work that way in the movies but not in real life.

What will be spoken of in this article can be either accepted or rejected. It's one man's way of looking at things. If it's rejected, there will be no harm done and life will go on. But, for the moment, it will at least be food for thought.

There's no such thing as luck. We bring all things - health, sickness, wealth, lack, happy times, misery, into our lives through our thoughts. There is a Power within you that will not only let you become a winner in casino play but can bring success in any endeavor you choose. All you have to do is learn to bring your thinking into a solid connection with that Power and it will bring about the desired results.

This Power created you, brought you into being - not only you, but every person that is or will ever be, as well as everything that exists, the entire universe with its infinite number of stars and planets, including the small one that we happen to be on. Without this Power nothing would be. This Power is All-Knowing, All-Wise, and its essence is Love. You are connected to this Power. It is in you. It expresses itself through you. This Power transfuses itself to you and wants you to use It to achieve all that you desire in life.

Human beings have used this Power down through the ages to invent every invention that was ever invented, to build every bridge that crosses a canyon or river, to raise every skyscraper that stands in all the cities of the world, to paint every masterpiece of art, to write every book ever written. And this Power is yours to use today to bring whatever you desire into existence.

How? By what process are we able to bring things into being?

We know that although we have but one mind, it has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind gives us awareness. We are mindful of our surroundings and realize that things are happening. We use the conscious mind to do things. We decide to drive to a casino, step into our automobile and turn the key in the ignition. When we first learned to drive we consciously thought of each action before we did it. We looked at the lever that controls the gear shift and moved it into drive. We studied how much pressure to apply to the gas pedal, how far to turn the steering wheel to round a corner, and the distance our foot had to travel to apply the brake. Now, after driving for so many years, much of what we do has been relegated to our subconscious, leaving the conscious mind free to listen to the radio, and before we know it we're at the casino, barely aware of how we traveled there.

Our conscious mind is at work as we count our chips to see how much we've won as we sit at a blackjack table. It considers which video poker machine to play, the Deuces Wild or Double Double Bonus, and it makes a choice. The conscious mind inserts the coins into a slot machine and presses the spin button. It makes decisions, whether to quit play and get something to eat, or to continue. This part of our mind can be said to be the boss because it directs the choices we make. It thinks things through and decides. It's the director, the production manager.

In contrast, the subconscious mind does no choosing whatsoever. It serves the conscious mind. Its job is to produce things. It will produce not only good things but bad things as well - whatever the conscious mind through its thinking directs it to do. The conscious mind chooses and the subconscious mind must respond to that choice. The subconscious has miraculous powers and abilities. It knows how to bring good things into being, is able to materialize success, and it stands ready to produce for the person who learns how to use it.

The creative process consists of believing we can have what we want, asking for what we want, understanding that our subconscious, which operates in the Infinite Mind, can bring what we want into being, and then releasing it to that Power within us so that what we want can materialize.

Some who read this article will be stymied at the very beginning of the creative process. They won't be able to bring themselves to believe that their mind has the ability to reach out through its thoughts to influence slot machines, dice, or cards. Admittedly, it's far-fetched, and if a person's mind can't accept that possibility, it will never be able to do it. The skeptic has to shift in his thinking from a position of unbelief to at least an acceptance of the idea as a possibility, because all this works only at the level of one's understanding of how it works and his absolute belief in it. Doubt is a killer. Remain skeptical and you stay where you are, a non-believer, a non-achiever. The choice is yours. Say, "Yes, I believe it's possible. I want this ability to become a winner whenever I step into a casino to gamble", and you begin a stirring in your subconscious that will lead to ultimate success.

We are immersed in Universal Mind. Our subconscious mind is intertwined with His Mind, and there is a law in life that gives us whatever we believe. All that happens to us is an effect of our thinking. The thoughts we put forth have within them an attracting pull, like the force of a magnet. What makes a loser a loser is that the person approaches his gambling game of choice with a half-hearted hope to win. Hope has within it as much force as some cheap magnet one might find in a game at Toys-R-Us. The pull isn't there. As the saying goes, hope and two dollars will buy you a cup of coffee. As you stand in front of a video poker machine or place your chips on the betting circle of a blackjack table, you have to know you're going to win. The supreme confidence that's in your conscious mind will drop down into your subconscious, will team up with the Power within you and make it happen. The feeling you will feel as this is happening is called faith. Faith. With faith acting within you while you're playing, you won't have to beg, or squeeze to make your good happen. You will be able to relax, because you will be dealing with the Absolute. All Power will take over and winning will become a certainty.

It's easy to understand why some would scoff at this. You can almost hear their incredulity: "You mean All Power is there with me in a gambling casino? Helping me to win? Ridiculous."

Where can we go that He isn't? The poet Tennyson had it right: "Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet." We have been told that the very hairs of our head are numbered. Can you tell us how many hairs there are on your head? All Knowledge knows. The scoffer has but a tenuous connection to the Power. He doesn't understand who he is, so he has to rely on luck and a rabbit's foot. It would do well for the scoffer to remember that the rabbit had four of them when he was alive and obviously didn't fare all that well.

There are some people who declare themselves losers even before they arrive at the casino. How many times have you heard a conversation similar to this:
"Going to Las Vegas, are you?"
"Yep. Got to go make my contribution to pay for their electric light bill."

What you say is what you get. The subconscious mind is not receptive to comedy. It isn't a Saturday Night Live audience - it doesn't know when a person is kidding. It always believes what is spoken because what comes out of a person's mouth indicates what's going on inside his head, so it simply picks up on that person's negative comment, obediently slips into a loser mode and produces what is called for. You should never, ever, say anything that you don't want to bring into reality. It's important to eliminate every aspect of negativity in conversations. This isn't easy to do because whenever two or more people meet in a social atmosphere, the talk frequently turns to the problems they presently have. So watch who you run with. Life is tough enough without surrounding yourself with a circle of bellyachers.

You can have what you want if you believe that you can. Ask for it, accept that your subconscious mind, which is an expression of Infinite Mind, can bring it into being, and then relax and allow it to happen. Expect to win when you visit a casino, know that you will, and you will. Those cards in Blackjack and Mini-Baccarat, the dice at the Craps table, and those video poker machines are under your mental control through the Power within you. That's guaranteed - not by the author of this article but by All-That-Is.

This article is an excerpt from the book, "The Only Casino Games Worth Playing . . . and how to play them to win!" The full version of this book is available at

[Article submitted Nov 2008]

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