AK Alaska bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
Bingo Halls (In the Alaska bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Anchorage
~ Bingo South, 7521 Brayton Dr, Anchorage, Alaska 99507, USA. Phone: 907-229-2053, Disabled facilities: Parking, Playtime: Doors Open 5 pm 2 sessions daily
Remarks: 2 Sessions Nightly. Market 907 (Flea Market) & the Tri-Grill.
[Submitted November 2010 ]
~ Boniface Bingo, 360 Boniface Pkwy, Anch, AK 99504, USA. Phone: (907) 333-3600, USA. Disabled facilities: Handicap Accessable, Playtime: 530 pm to 1am
Remarks: Tickets given everyday for Mystery Window. Drawings on Friday and Sunday.
[Submitted August 2014 ]
~ Gold Cache Bingo, 110 E. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503, USA. Phone: 907-274-3711, Playtime: 1 PM, 7:30 PM and 10:30 PM
Remarks: Weekend Rama starts at 11:30 PM
[Submitted August 2008 ]
~ Northern Lights Bingo, 703 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99503, USA. Phone: 907-278-2975, Fax: 907-272-9498, Email: NLBingoak@aol.com, Website: www.northernlightsbingo.com, Disabled facilities: Handicap parking, ramps at entrances, private bathroom, Playtime: 1pm and 7:30pm
Remarks: Only bingo hall in Anchorage playing full session of games 7 days a week. Traditional paper bingo, no machines. 2-ATM's on site. Full service cafe.
[Submitted November 2015 ]
~ Tudor Road Bingo Center, 3411 East Tudor ROad, Anchorage, Alaska 99507, USA. Phone: 907-561-4711, Hotline: 907-565-6886, Contact name: Rick Tuttle, Disabled facilities: fully disabled, Playtime: 7 Nights a week: Monday-Thursday 7:30pm & 11:30pm, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 6pm, 9pm & 12:01am
Remarks: Full service restaurant on site: Blaine's Kitchen & Snack Bar. Also the home of Lottery Alaska's Monthly Lotto. Drawings held on the 30th of every month.
[Submitted November 2011 ]
- Fairbanks
~ Honest Bingo,
200 1st Avenue,
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (907) 456-5298
~ Youths Sports Bingo,
626 5th Ave,
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701-4512,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:30pm also Fri-11:00pm Sat & Sun-1:30pm
Phone: (907) 452-4834
- Kenai
~ Diamond Rose,
10639 Kenai Spur Highway,
Kenai, Alaska 99611,
USA. Playtime: Tue-Thu 7:00 pm and Sun 6:00 pm
Phone: (907) 283-6445
[Submitted November 2002 ]
- Ketchikan
~ VFW Bingo,
3113 Tongass Ave,
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901-3275,
USA. Game play: Wed-3:30
Phone: (907) 225-5510
- Nome
~ Solid Green Bingo,
212 Front St,
Nome, Alaska,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:00
Phone: (907) 443-2378
- Palmer
~ Valley Bingo, 8301 Palmer Wasilla Hwy, Palmer, Alaska 99654, USA. Phone: 907-745-8101, Email: kbriske@gci.net, Contact name: Kent Briske, Playtime: 7PM Thursday thru Saturday and 4PM Sundays
Remarks: Located at the corner of Trunk Rd and Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Bingo starts 7PM Thursday thru Saturday and 4PM Sundays. Open for Pull-Tabs 10 AM to 10PM Tuesday thru Saturday Sunday at 12 noon
[Submitted April 2012 ]
- Sitka
~ Sitka Tribe of Alaska Bingo, 456 Katlian, Sitka, Alaska 99835, USA. Playtime: Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 7:00 p.m., Phone: (907) 747-3207, Fax: (907) 747-4915, Email: bingo@sitkatribe.org,
[Submitted October 2002 ]
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