CO Colorado bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
Bingo Halls (In the Colorado bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Alamosa
~ VFW,
519 Main Street,
Alamosa, Colorado 81101-2643,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00 Sat-1:00
Phone: (719) 589-9329
- Arvada
~ Circle Bingo,
11651 Ralston Rd,
Arvada, Colorado 80004-4321,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:00pm Fri-10:30pm Sat-9:45am-7:30-10:30 Sun-7:00am & 12:15pm
Phone: (303) 431-0059
~ Golddust Bingo,
5390 Sheridan Blvd #A,
Arvada, Colorado 80002-7018,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:30
Phone: (303) 480-0708
~ The Bingo Co,
6520 Wadsworth Blvd,
Arvada, Colorado 80003-4434,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (303) 421-2932
- Aurora
~ B-1 Bingo,
10690 Del Mar Pkwy,
Aurora, Colorado 80010-4011,
USA. Game play: Mon-11:00am Thu & Fri-11:30am-7:30-11:00 Sat & Sun-12:00noon-7:00-11:00
Phone: (303) 341-0742
~ TREA Bingo,
1599 Dayton St,
Aurora, Colorado 80010-2027,
USA. Game play: Tue & Thu-7:00 Sun-12:30
Phone: (303) 341-9008
~ Turn of The Century Bingo,
1921 South Havana St,
Aurora, Colorado 80014-1011,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 11:30 am & 7:30 pm & 10:30 pm
Phone: (303) 752-4646
~ Winners Bingo,
13678 E Alameda Ave,
Aurora, Colorado 80012,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (303) 343-0206
- Canon City
~ St Michaels Church,
611 N 11th Street,
Canon City, Colorado 81212-3050,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (719) 275-7549
~ VFW,
933 Sells,
Canon City, Colorado 81212-3411,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (719) 275-9886
- Colorado Springs
~ Bingo Palace, 117 E Las Vegas, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903, USA. Phone: 719-578-1059, Playtime: 12:15 pm Tues, Fri, Sat. 7:15 pm Mon - Sat night 11:15 pm fridays - 11:30 pm Sat. Sundays 12:45pm and 6:00pm
[Submitted March 2004 ]
~ Bingo World,
2511 Airport Road,
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
Phone: (719) 578-1441
[Submitted February 2003 ]
~ Depot Bingo,
3958 N Academy Blvd,
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917-5911,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:30 Fri & Sat-12:30-7:30-11:00 Sun-12:30 & 7:30
Phone: (719) 591-7835
~ Disabled American Veterans Chapter 26, 6886 Palmer Park Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80915, USA. Phone: 719-591-8787, Website:, Email:, Contact name: Carl Hickling, Playtime: Sundays 6:30 PM
Remarks: Doors open 4:30 PM
[Submitted November 2002, updated May 2020.]
~ Jackpot Bingo,
2417 N Union Blvd,
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909-1107,
USA. Game play: Wed thru Sun-7:00 Sat-12:30 & 7:00
Phone: (719) 578-1490
- Commerce City
~ Flamingo Bingo,
6941 E. 80th Avenue,
Commerce City, Colorado, CO 80022, USA.
Playtime: Sun 2:00 and 7:30; Tue thru Fri 7:30; Sat 4:00 and 7:30,
Phone: 303.287.8274, Contact name: Dan or Rick,
Remarks: Full Service Concession Stand, Progressive Games every session
[Submitted December 2002 ]
- Cortez
~ Elks,
2100 N Dolores Rd,
Cortez, Colorado 81321-0726,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30
Phone: (970) 565-3557
~ Ute Mountain Casino,
3 Weeminuche Dr,
Cortez, Colorado 81321-0660,
USA. Game play: Mon-Tue-Fri-6:30 Sun-1:00 First 2 Sat- 6:30
Phone: (800) 258-8007
- Denver
~ Barrys Bingo,
1860 S Federal Blvd,
Denver, Colorado 80219-4906,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (303) 935-5522
- Durango
~ American Legion,
878 E 2nd Ave,
Durango, Colorado 81301-5426,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:30 pm
Phone: (970) 247-1590
~ Sacred Heart Church,
255 E 5th Ave,
Durango, Colorado 81301-5723,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (970) 247-3995
- Edgewater
~ Bingo Connection,
2045 Sheridan Blvd,
Edgewater, Colorado,
USA. Game play: 7 Days
Phone: (303) 232-4646
- Englewood
~ Elks,
3690 S Jason,
Englewood, Colorado 80110-3442,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (303) 781-0257
- Fort Collins
~ Fort Collins Bingo,
900 N College Ave,
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524-1206,
USA. Game play: 7 days, Daycare & Snack Bar available
Phone: (970) 482-4646
~ Knights of Columbus #1214, 121 N. Meldrum Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, USA. Phone: 970-484-1881, Website:, Playtime: Thrusday and Sunday at 6:30pm, Disabled facilities: Wheelchair accessible
Remarks: Snack bar and pop machine
[Submitted February 2010 ]
- Fort Morgan
~ Elks,
430 State Street,
Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701-2120,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (970) 867-6711
- Golden
~ VFW,
15625 W 10th Ave,
Golden, Colorado 80401-3907,
USA. Game play: Sun-4:00
Phone: (303) 279-2119
- Grand Junction
~ Players Place, North Ave,
Grand Junction,
Colorado 81501, USA.
Playtime: pm,
Phone: (970) 241-8100,
[Submitted April 2003 ]
~ Sams Junction Bingo,
511 28 1/4 Road,
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-4959,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (970) 242-1369
- Greeley
~ Bingo Planet,
2393 W 27th Street,
Greeley, Colorado 80631-8045,
USA. Game play: Mon-12:30pm Fri-12:30pm 7:30 & 10:30 Tue-Thu-12:30pm & 7:30 Sat & Sun-7:30
Phone: (970) 330-9361
- Gunnison
~ Elks,
123 S Main Street,
Gunnison, Colorado 81230-2332,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:30
Phone: (970) 641-1527
- Hotchkiss
~ Elks,
190 East Bridge Street,
Hotchkiss, Colorado 81419-0093,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:45
Phone: (970) 872-3355
- Hugo
~ VFW,
419 4th Ave,
Hugo, Colorado 80821-0116,
USA. Game play: Every other Sun-2:00
Phone: (719) 743-9994
- Ignacio
~ Sky Ute Casino Resort Bingo, 14324 HWY 172 NORTH, Ignacio, Colorado 81137, USA. Phone: (970) 563-1697 / (970) 563-1695, Hotline: (970) 563-1696, Email:, Contact name: Douglas McCall, Website:, Playtime: Mon/Wed/Fri Doors open at 4:30pm first game at 5:45pm, Sunday doors open at 12:30pm and the first game called at 1:45pm
Remarks: Mid size hall with friendly staff and fun events.
[Submitted June 2011 ]
- La Junta
~ Elks,
401 Smithland,
La Junta, Colorado 81050-0483,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (719) 384-9161
~ Knights of Columbus #1161,
118 Steen Ave,
La Junta, CO 81050, USA.
Playtime: Sun & Thrus 7:30 pm,
Phone: (719) 384-2120, Email:, Contact name: Darren Garcia
Remarks: Progressive game every session, Pull tabs, Concession stands
[Submitted January 2003 ]
- Lafayette
~ The Bingo Mine,
Coal Creek Shopping Center,
Lafayette, Colorado 80026-2908,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (303) 673-9727
- Lakewood
~ Cheers Foothills Bingo, 12364 W Alameda Pkwy, Lakewood, Colorado 80228-2851, USA. Game play: 7 days, Phone: (303)-988-8219, Website:
[Submitted January 2006 ]
~ Lakewood Elks Bingo, 1455 Newland Street, Lakewood, Colorado 80214, USA. Phone: 303-238-1307, Contact name: Chuck Seamans, Disabled facilities: Ramp & Elevator available, Playtime: Wed. and Fri. start at 11am, doors open at 9.30am
Remarks: most friendly service in town. Snack bar with hot dogs, fresh burritos, nachos, coffee, sodas, popcorn, chips, etc.
[Submitted August 2011 ]
~ Slammers Bingo, 1884 S. Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, Colorado 80232, U.S.A. Phone: 303-988-7426, Contact Name: Steven Petrone
Remarks: Brand New! 14,000 S.F., Full Service Concessions With To-Go Menu, Several Prime Sessions Still Available, Lots Of Parking, Great Exposure And Traffic Count On Jewell And Wadsworth. Come See The Finest In The State!
[Submitted September 2004 ]
- Lamar
~ Knights of Columbus,
Village Center,
Lamar, Colorado,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (719) 336-3591
- Littleton
~ Littleton Bingo,
151 W. Mineral Ave,
Littleton, Colorado, CO 80120, USA.
Playtime: M-F 7:30 pm, Fri-Sat Late 10:30 pm, Tues-Fri 12 noon, Sat-Sun 1 pm & 7 pm
Phone: (303) 797-2328, Contact name: Mel Liggett,
[Submitted December 2002 ]
- Longmont
~ American Legion,
315 South Bowen Street,
Longmont, Colorado 80501,
USA. Game play: Thu & Fri-7:30
Phone: (303) 776-2034
~ Longmont Bingo Alley,
640 19th Ave,
Longmont, Colorado 80501-1954,Longmont Bingo Alley
640 19th Ave
Longmont, Colorado 80501-1954
USA. Game play: 7 days, Mon thru Thu-7pm Fri-12:15pm & 7:10pm Sat-9am & 1 & 6 & 9pm Sun-1 & 6 & 9pm
Phone: (303) 776-0460
USA. Game play: 7 days, Mon thru Thu-7pm Fri-12:15pm & 7:10pm Sat-9am & 1 & 6 & 9pm Sun-1 & 6 & 9pm
Phone: (303) 776-0460
- Loveland
~ Associated Veterans of Loveland, 305 N Cleveland, Loveland, Colorado 80537, United States. Phone: (970) 667-4722, Playtime: Every Friday at 7pm
Remarks: 13 games total $1500 payout, extra specials on five games. Workers on the floor sell pickles.
[Submitted January 2010 ]
~ Planet Bingo,
281 I Orchard Shopping Ctr,
Loveland, Colorado 80538-3827,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:00 pm Fri-10:00pm Sat- 7:00 & 10:00 pm Sun- 7:00 pm
Phone: (970) 663-4545
- Monte Vista
~ Elks,
121 Washington Street,
Monte Vista, Colorado 81144-1408,
USA. Game play: Mon & Wed-7:00
Phone: (719) 852-2456
- Montrose
~ Black Canyon Bingo,
2075 E Main St,
Montrose, Colorado 81401-3835,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:00 Satat 9 and Sun at 2
Phone: (970) 249-6711
~ Montrose Bingo Connection, 2075 E Main, Montrose, Colorado 81401, USA. Playtime: All week at 7Pm as well 2pm sunday and late night Saturday 9:45pm, Phone: (970) 249-6711,
[Submitted November 2002 ]
~ Montrose Elks, 801 S Hillcrest Dr, Montrose, Colorado 81401, USA. Phone: 970 249 4852, Disabled facilities: Wheelchair accessible, Playtime: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Remarks: 5 Early Bird Games plus 9 games in the regular session
[Submitted August 2010 ]
- Northglenn
~ Bingo Castle,
1750 E 112th Ave,
Northglenn, Colorado 80233-3206,
USA. Game play: Sun-Mon-Wed-Thu-12noon & 7:00 Tue & Fri-7:00 Sat-7:00 & 10:30
Phone: (303) 457-1923
~ Bingo Oasis, 10657 Melody Drive, Northglenn, CO 80234, United States. Phone: 720-285-3335, Website:
[Submitted February 2012 ]
- Paonia
~ American Legion,
1447 4100 Road,
Paonia, Colorado 81428-0277,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (970) 527-6252
- Pueblo
~ Bingo Casino
Address: 4109 Club Manor Dr., Pueblo, Colorado 81008, USA. Phone: (719)543-5557, Playtime: 7 Days 12 noon to 7:00 PM
[Submitted May 2009 ]
~ Bingo Palace,
226 East Abriendo,
Pueblo, Colorado 81004-0190,
USA. Game play: Mon-Tue-Thur-Fri-Sat-7:00 pm
Phone: (719) 542-0671
~ The Bingo Theatre,
1908 N Hudson,
Pueblo, Colorado 81001,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 7:00 pm Tue & Wed-12:00 pm Fri-Sat-Sun-10:30 pm
Phone: (719) 544-7168
- Rifle
~ Elks,
501 W 5th Street,
Rifle, Colorado 81650-1229,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30 pm
Phone: (970) 625-2195
~ Moose,
133 E 3rd Street,
Rifle, Colorado 81650-2317,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:15 pm Sun-1:30 pm
Phone: (970) 625-5508
- Salida
~ Elks,
148 E 2nd Street,
Salida, Colorado 81201-2115,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30 pm
Phone: (719) 539-6976
- Sheridan
~ Bingo City,
3820 S Federal Blvd,
Sheridan, Colorado 80110-3242,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (303) 789-1141
- Silverthorne
~ Elks,
833 Colorado Highway 9,
Silverthorne, Colorado 80498-0515,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:30
Phone: (970) 468-2561
- Sterling
~ American Legion,
1602 US Hwy 6,
Sterling, Colorado 80751-4814,
USA. Game play: Every other Fri-7:00
Phone: (970) 522-5688
~ Elks,
321 Ash Street,
Sterling, Colorado 80751-4235,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (970) 522-0515
- Wheat Ridge
~ Hollywood Bingo, 38th and Kipling, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033, Jefferson, USA. Phone: 303-467-1958, Contact name: Kenny LaPean, Jane LaPean, Playtime: Thurs night 7:30, Fri night 7:30, Sat Afternoon 12:00, Sat night 7:30, Sunday Night 7:00
Remarks: Very clean, great groups, good homemade food in snack bar, speghetti dinners in the winter BBQ in the summer and give aways for most holidays come visit the stars
[Submitted July 2009 ]
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