DE Delaware bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
Bingo Halls (In the Delaware bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Clayton
~ Providence Creek Academy, 355 Duck Creek Road, Clayton, Delaware 19938, Kent Country, USA. Phone: 302-312-6799, Email:, Contact name: Pam Derickson, Playtime: November 15, 2006 7pm
Remarks: Providence Creek Academy Athletic Booster sponsors a Longager Basket Bingo, tickets @ $20.00 in Advance or $25.00 at the Door, Door prizes 50/50, Basket Raffles, food and Beverage
[Submitted October 2006 ]
- Dover
~ Elks Lodge,
1035 Forrest Ave,
Dover, Delaware 19904-3306,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:30 Sun-1:30
Phone: (302) 674-9788
- Lewes
~ Elks Lodge,
RT 23 Beaver Dam Rd,
Lewes, Delaware 19969-0068,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (302) 645-7016
- Milford
~ Milford Elks Lodge 2401, 18951 Elks Lodge Rd, Milford, DE 19963, Sussex, USA. Phone: 302 424 2401, Playtime: Tuesdays, early bird 6:30 - start 7 pm
Remarks: Bring a friend & both receive gift
[Submitted October 2014 ]
- New Castle
~ Nur Shrine, 198 South Dupont Highway, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA. Phone: 302 328 6100, Email:, Contact name: Ruben Kelly, Playtime: Tuesday at 7 PM
[Submitted August 2018 ]
- Rehoboth
~ Cape Henlopen Senior Center, 11 Christian Street, Rehoboth, DE 19971, USA. Phone: 302 227-2055, Fax: 302-226-0961, Email:, Contact name: Linda Bonville, Website:, Disabled facilities: handicapped access, Playtime: 1st Wednesday 1:30 - 4:30 pm
[Submitted July 2008, updated May 2012 ]
- Seaford
~ Seaford Elks Lodge # 2458, Elks Lodge Road, Seaford, Delaware 19973, USA. Phone: 302-629-2458, Hotline: 302-629-6374, Email:, Contact name: Wayne English, Disabled facilities: Handicapped Accessible, Playtime: Wednesday Nite, Open 5pm, Games 7pm
Remarks: Non-smoking. Must be 18 years old to play. Meals are prepared on premises.
[Submitted June 2010 ]
~ VFW,
Middleford Rd,
Seaford, Delaware 19973-0496,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:45
Phone: (302) 629-3092
- Wilmington
~ AKSE Congregation, 4412 Washington Blvd., Wilmington, DE 19802, USA. Phone: (302) 762-2705, Hotline: (302) 494-5978, Email:, Contact name: Ron Makar, Disabled facilities: yes handicap accessible, Playtime: Thursday evenings; Doors 6:00 PM; Games 7:00 PM
Remarks: restarting Thursday, October 27, 2011. Located just a few minutes from the Concord Pike or the Marsh Road exits off of I-95. New games, Door prizes, Cash prizes, and Special games. Dinner menu items are available for purchase. Customer Loyalty Cards available. No food or beverages may be brought on to the premises.
[Submitted January 2011, updated October 2011.]
~ Bellevue Community Center, 500 Duncan Road, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA. Phone: 302-762-1391, Disabled facilities: handicapped accessible, Playtime: Friday at 7:00 pm
Remarks: Door opens 6:00 pm. Special games, door prizes, free child care provided (must call 302-762-1391 for details and to make arrangements).
[Submitted September 2016 ]
~ Millcreek Fire Company - Ladies Auxiliary, 3900 Kirkwood Hight, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA. Phone: 302-994-6361, Playtime: Wednesday's 7pm doors open @ 5pm
Remarks: Smoking & Non-smoking areas. Basket Bingo - Monthly on Friday Evenings
[Submitted November 2003 ]
- Wyoming
~ Moose Lodge,
760 Moose Lodge Road,
Wyoming, Delaware 19934-0249,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:30
Phone: (302) 697-7161
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