FL Florida bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
A-L . * M-Z
Bingo Halls (In the Florida bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Macclenny
~ Moose, 150 S Lowder St, Macclenny, Florida, USA. Playtime: Fri-6:00 pm & Monday 5pm, Phone: (904) 259-6305
[Submitted February 2007 ]
- Marathon
~ American Legion,
4115 Overseas Highway,
Marathon, Florida 33050,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00 pm
Phone: (305) 743-4783
~ Dav Bingo,
7280 Overseas Highway,
Marathon, Florida 33050,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 pm
Phone: (305) 743-4705
~ Elks,
8239 Overseas Highway,
Marathon, Florida 33050,
USA. Game play: Sun-1:00 pm
Phone: (305) 743-2652
- Marianna
~ Mr Bingo,
4540 Lafayette St,
Marianna, Florida 32446 -3202,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (850) 482-6911
- Masaryktown
~ Masaryktown Bingo, Masaryktown Community Center, Inc, 539 Lincoln Ave, Masaryktown, Fl 34604, USA. Phone: 352-345-4818, Website: masaryktownbingo.com, Playtime: every Wednesday 2:00pm, games start 5:30pm
Remarks: Every Saturday - Brunch bingo 11:00am, evening sessions starts 5:30pm
[Submitted/updated August 2019 ]
- Melbourne
~ American Legion,
1795 N Harbor City Blvd,
Melbourne, Florida 32935-7608,
USA. Game play: Sun & Tue-5:30 pm
Phone: (321) 259-7239
~ Ascension Catholic Church, 2950 N Harbor City Blvd, Melbourne, Florida 32935-6227, USA. Game play: Monday and Thursdays at 6:30 PM, Phone: (321) 259-3707
[Submitted May 2009 ]
~ Italian American Club of Soth Brevard, 1471 Cypress Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32935, USA. Phone: 321-242-8044, Email: Iacsb@cfl.rr.com, Contact name: Rich Rosa, Website: italianacsb.com, Disabled facilities: yes, accessible, Playtime: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm Tuesdays
Remarks: Complimentary coffee and cake are served every Tuesday.
[Submitted December 2018 ]
~ Azan Shrine Temple,
1591 Eau Gallie Blvd,
Melbourne, Florida 32935-5335,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (321) 259-5302
~ VFW Post 8191, 4130 N. Hwy, Melbourne, FL 32935, USA. Phone: 321 254-9885, Playtime: Fridays 6:00pm
[Submitted February 2014 ]
- Melbourne Village
~ Moose Lodge #1406,
157 Dayton Blvd,
Melbourne Village, Florida 32904-3711,
USA. Game play: Mon & Thu-11:30am
Phone: (321) 724-1480
- Merritt Island
~ Divine Mercy,
1940 N Courtney Pkwy,
Merritt Island, Florida 32953-4240,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:15 Thu-12:00pm
Phone: (321) 452-5955
- Miami
~ Miccosukee Indian Casino,
500 SW 177th Ave,
Miami, Florida 33194-2100,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 9:00am-12:00pm-3:00pm-6:45pm-11:00pm
Phone: (800) 741-4600
~ Midway Mall Bingo,
7969 NW 2nd St,
Miami, Florida 33126,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (305) 261-1852
- Miami Beach
~ North Collins Bingo Hall,
18288 Collins Ave.,
Sunny Isles Bch., Florida, Fl 33160, USA.
Playtime: matinee 12:00 noon to 3:00 P.M. Evening 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Phone: (305) 932-7185,
Remarks: Open 7 days and nights, for over 18 years of bingo fun and
excitement. Fully glass enclosed no-smoking room,
full service snack bar. 10 giant jackpots played every session.
Free transportation with min. spend**(Call for details).
Play all 10 regular games for only $5.00
Free club membership worth lots of free extra's.
10 Free games every sunday morning @10:30 A.M.
Play fun video machines for "Reel Excitement"!
Call for Daily Specials @ (305) 932-7185
North Collins Bingo " Where the fun never ends "!
Located @ 183 St. and A-1-A (Collins Ave.)
North Miami Beach Fl 33160
[Submitted September 2002 ]
- Middleburg
~ American Legion Post 250, 3939 County Rd. 218 E, Middleburg, Fl 32068, USA. Phone: 904-282-3766, Contact name: Bob Brewster or Bill Clip, Playtime: Mon 6:30pm-approx. 10:30pm
Remarks: Smoking w/ exhaust fans. Quarter Bingo squares or 3 for a dollar. Proceeds go to various charities.
[Submitted August 2006 ]
~ VFW Post 8255 Charity Bingo, 2296 Aster Ave, Middleburg, Fl 32068, USA. Phone: 904-282-0475, Fax: 904-282-2418, Email: commander@vfw8255.com, Contact name: John Burgess or anyone answering, Website: http://www.vfw8255.org/id13.html, Playtime: Thursday PM early bird 6:30pm/reccommend 5pm to get a good seat, Disabled facilities: In front/also non-smoking room
Remarks: Plenty of parking. $50 payouts for regular games and 3 $250 jackpots. "Early Bird" games and "Late" Games. 6-10pm approximately. Food and drinks available for purchase or bring your own. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER! No Children Please!
[Submitted July 2006, update January 2010.]
- Milton
~ Bingo Magic Inc,
4239 Avalon Boulevard,
Milton, Florida 32583,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (850) 626-3131
~ Cash Back Bingo,
Elva St.,
Milton, FL 32570, U.S.
Playtime: Mon-Sat 10am-till, Sun 12am-till
Phone: (850)623-0710,
[Submitted Februray 2002 ]
~ Knights of Columbus,
318 Dogwood Dr,
Milton, Florida 32572-0951,
USA. Game play: Sat-6:00
Phone: (850) 623-6502
- Minneola
~ Moose Lodge, 17335 US Hwy 27, Minneola, FL, USA. Phone: Call 394-5936, Playtime: Tuesday 7:00 pm
[Submitted June 2009 ]
- Mount Dora
~ Triangle Bingo, 2711 W Old Hwy 441, Mount Dora, Florida 32757, USA. Phone: 352-735-4424, Email: marinidonna@aol.com, Contact name: Peter or Donna Marini, Website: www:trianglebingo.com, Playtime: 7 days
Remarks: We do not have matinees, hours are 5:30pm warmups Mon-Sat, 6:45pm regular games Mon-Sat. Sunday: 2:00pm warmups, 3:30 pm reg games
[Submitted March 2004, updated July 2013.]
- Naples
~ Naples Bingo,
6750 Golden Gate Parkway,
Naples, Florida 34105-7338,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 6:45pm Tue Thu Sun-11:30am
Phone: (941) 643-1122
~ Naples Elks Lodge Charity Bingo, 11250 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida 34112, USA. Phone: 239-643-0075, Fax: 239-643-4368, Email: napleselkssect@comcast.net, Contact name: Holly J Balante, Website: http://www.elks.org/lodges/contactus.cfm?LodgeNumber=2010, Playtime: Tuesdays 6:30 P.M. doors open 5:45 P.M.
Remarks: Play all the games with minimum purchase of $15.00 with additional playing cards available at additional charges.
[Submitted September 2013 ]
- New Port Richey
~ Colonial Hills Civic Center, 3852 Prime Place, New Port Richey, FL 34652, USA. Phone: 727 849 8478, Email: info@getinvolvedchca.com, Website: www.getinvolvedchca.com, Playtime: Sunday 1:30 pm, Thursday 5:30pm
Remarks: Doors open at 12pm on Sunday and at 4pm on Thursday. Good food available!
[Submitted April 2013 ]
~ Elks Lodge,
7201 Congress Street,
New Port Richey, Florida,
USA. Game play: Sun-5:00 pm
Phone: (727) 849-5192
~ Gulf Harbors Civic Association, 4619 Floramar, New Port Richey, Florida 34652, Pasco, USA. Phone: 727-848-0596, Playtime: Wednesday 5:30 P.M.
[Submitted April 2010 ]
- New Smyrna Beach
~ Sacred Heart Cath Church,
998 Father Donlan Dr,
New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168 -6232,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (386) 428-6426
- New Symrna Beach
~ Riviera Recreation Hall Inc,
300 N Causeway,
New Symrna Beach, Florida 32169,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (386) 427-2013
- North Fort Myers
~ Knights of Columbus,
16351 Slater Rd,
North Fort Myers, Florida,
USA. Game play: Tue
Phone: (941) 543-9333
~ Pondella Bingo,
959 Pondella Rd,
N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903, USA.
Playtime: 7 days/7 nights doors open 9am till wee wee hours,
Phone: (239) 656-6622,
Remarks: Be sure to stop by Crazy Al's Snack Bar. The best snack bar in Lee County.
[Submitted February 2003 ]
- North Lauderdale
~ Old Time Bingo,
6037 Kimberly Blvd,
North Lauderdale, Florida 33068-1363,
USA. Game play: 6-days, 6:30 pm Closed Wed
Phone: (954) 970-5110
- North Port
~ VFW,
4860 Trott Cir,
North Port, Florida 34287,
USA. Game play: Thu & Sun-6:30 pm
Phone: (941) 426-6865
- Oakland Park
~ 10c Bingo of Oakland Park,
2901 W Oakland Park Blvd,
Oakland Park, Florida 33311-1243,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 11:00 am
Phone: (954) 714-0102
~ Dixie Bingo, 2901 W Oakland Park Blvd, Oakland , Florida 33311, United States. Phone: 954-714-0102, Disabled Facilities: Yes, Playtime: 10:30 am - 2 am
Remarks: 7 days a week continuous play all day.
[Submitted June 2010 ]
~ Temple Beth Israel,
7100 W Oakland Park Blvd,
Oakland Park, Florida 33313-1015,
USA. Game play: Thu-11:30 am
Phone: (954) 742-4040
~ Unitarian Universalist Church, 3790 NW 21 Av (Between Commercial and Oakland Park Blvd), Oakland Park, FL 33309, USA. Phone: 954-484-6734, Email: uubingo@att.net, Website: www.uucfl.org, Playtime: Wednesday 7:00pm
Remarks: Bingo every Wednesday night 7:00pm. TV monitors - Two flashboards - Non Smoking section inside. Smoking section on our covered outdoor patio during game play. Big jackpots - 60/40 game (winner keeps 60%), Progressive game and speed ball. Full service kitchen. Fun and wild intermission contests. Door prizes. Comfortable chairs. Handicap accessible. Call 954-484-6734. Now open - Come join in the fun and winning!
[Submitted December 2004, updated October 2009.]
- Ocala
~ Ocala Charity Bingo,
1601 NE 25th Ave Ste 600,
Ocala, Florida 34470,
USA. Game play: Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sunday Doors Open at 4:00 pm Start 5:30 pm
Phone: (352) 622-7717
~ Our Lady of the Springs Church, 4047 NE 21st St, Ocala, FL 34470, USA. Phone: 352-236-4472, Hotline: 325-694-3125, Contact name: Marge, Website: ourladyofthesprings.org, Playtime: Wed. 12 noon, Fri. 5:45 PM
Remarks: use website for map only
[Submitted June 2011 ]
- Okeechobee
~ Brighton Seminole Casino,
Brighton Indian Reservation,
Okeechobee, Florida 34974-8909,
USA. Game play: Tue thru Sat- 6:45pm Sun-2:00 pm
Phone: (800) 360-9875
~ Eagles,
9985 Hwy 441 North,
Okeechobee, Florida 34973-1445,
USA. Game play: Tue-1:00pm Wed-6:00
Phone: (863) 763-2552
~ VFW,
3912 Hwy 441 SE,
Okeechobee, Florida 34974-7220,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (863) 763-2308
- Old Town
~ Suwannee Forest Hills Cmm Ctr, 238 Teriko Dr., Old Town, FL 32680, USA. Phone: 352-542-3395, Playtime: Mon. 6:30 pm
[Submitted February 2006 ]
- Orange City
~ Orange City Lions,
200 W Graves Ave,
Orange City, Florida 32763-5164,
USA. Game play: Thu & Fri-6:15
Phone: (386) 775-4606
- Orange Park
~ Childrens Charity,
236 E Industrial Loop,
Orange Park, Florida,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (904) 269-3041
~ VFW Orange Park, Fl, 6204 Blanding Blvd, Orange Park, FL 32244, USA. Phone: 904-778-7909, Contact name: Anyone, Playtime: 6pm Wed nights, Disabled facilities: Yes
Remarks: Food and drink available for purchase.
[Submitted January 2010 ]
- Orlando
~ American Legion,
529 Fairlane Ave,
Orlando, Florida 32809-4201,
USA. Game play: Sun-3:00 Wed-5:45
Phone: (407) 859-1460
~ Bahia Shrine Bingo, 2300 Pembrook Dr, Orlando, Fl 321810, USA. Phone: 407-660-8811, Playtime: Wednesday 5:30 PM till 10:00 PM
Remarks: Bahia Shrine Bingo every Wednesday Bingo open to the Public. Proceeds support the Bahia Shrine Center 2300 Pembrook Dr. Orlando, FL. 32810. Starting at 5:30 PM. Non-smoking room, free coffee, free spaghetti for players, the last Wednesday Call 407-660-8811 for information.
[Submitted January 2015 ]
~ Elks,
12 Primrose Drive,
Orlando, Florida 32803,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (407) 894-1079
~ Makabeli, 7155 Edgewater Shores CT, Orlando, Florida 32810, USA. Phone: 3214607784, Email: Mistaike1887@yahoo.com
[Submitted February 2010 ]
~ St Josephs Church,
1501 N Alafaya Trail,
Orlando, Florida 32828-5903,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 pm
Phone: (407) 275-0841
~ VFW,
4711 N Pine Hills,
Orlando, Florida 32808-1936,
USA. Game play: Mon-6 30
Phone: (407) 295-8870
~ VFW Post 2093, 4444 Edgewater dr., Orlando, Florida 32804, USA. Phone: 407-296-2502, Email: 2093VFWPost@gmail.com, Contact name: Gary or Russ, Disabled facilities: Yes, bathrooms and entry way, Playtime: 6 pm early bird, 7 pm regular bingo
Remarks: Food available, Packets start at $10
[Submitted June 2016 ]
~ VFW,
3500 S Goldenrod Road,
Orlando, Florida 32822-5740,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-6:45 pm
Phone: (407) 273-6581
- Ormond Beach
~ Daytona Moose,
601 W Granada Blvd,
Ormond Beach, Florida 32174-5105,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:45 pm Wed-12:00 pm
Phone: (386) 673-8776
- Palatka
~ Bingo Palace, 201 St. John's Ave., Palatka, Florida 32177, United States. Phone: 386-328-5822, Email: thenewbingopalace@yahoo.com, Playtime: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Remarks: New owner and new manager. Come early and play Redemption Machines, Super Bonus and Gold Digger for a nickel a card and a chance at $250. Come and have some fun. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Nights. Same friendly and fun volunteers.
[Submitted July 2008, updated February 2012.]
~ St Monica Church,
114 S 4th,
Palatka, Florida 32177-4713,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:20
Phone: (386) 328-8210
~ VFW,
3201 Reid St,
Palatka, Florida 32177-2512,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:00 pm
Phone: (386) 328-2863
- Palm Bay
~ Country Bingo,
4500 Dixie Hwy NE,
Palm Bay, Florida 32905,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (321) 725-3050
~ Greater Palm Bay Senior Ctr,
1275 Culver Dr NE,
Palm Bay, Florida 32907-1178,
USA. Game play: Wed-11:30am Fri-6:30
Phone: (321) 724-1338
~ Hurricane Bingo, 5015 Babcock st NE, Palm Bay, FL, 32905, USA. Phone: 321 676 4499, Email: Hurricanebingo@gmail.com, Playtime: Wednesday Thursday Friday 6:30pm Saturday and Sunday matinee noon evening 6:30
[Submitted August 2012 ]
~ V F W Post 1005, 5275 Babcock St Unit 17, Palm Bay, FL 32905, USA. Phone: 321-727-7311, Playtime: Saturday 4:00 P.M.
Remarks: We have changed our day to Saturday. We serve free soup at half time. Must be present at break to participate in cover all. We are located at the corner of Port Malabar Blvd and Babcock St. We are on the south end of the complex behind the bank.
[Submitted January 2012, updated September 2012.]
- Palm Beach Gardens
~ Amara Shrine Temple, 3650 RCA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Palm Beach 33410, USA. Phone: (561)627-2100, Website: www.amarashriners.org, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: Tuesday 12:00pm
Remarks: Doors open at 10:30am. Lunch served til 12:30. Games start at 12:00pm. Hard Card Bingo with multiple $250 Progressive Games. Ends at 3:30pm. Thank you for your Support:)
[Submitted July 2015 ]
~ Knights of Columbus, Palm Beach gardens Council 6988, 11499 Prosperity Farms Rd, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Palm Beach 33410, USA. Phone: (561)622-7267, Email: stclare821@gmail.com, Website: http://www.kofcknights.org/CouncilSite/officers.asp?CNO=6988, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: Monday & Friday 6:30pm
Remarks: The Santa Maria Council 4999 Major Fundraising Program Bingo- Raising Funds for Charity every Monday & Friday, doors open at 4:30pm. K of C 4999 operates bingo at their council hall. Bingo starts at 6:30pm. 48 Hard Card games played every Momday and Friday with $250.00 pay-outs. Plus Multiple High Payout Progreesive Games. Out by 10:00 with Security controlling traffic. Snack bar with home cooked food. Thank you for your Support:)
[Submitted July 2015 ]
~ Palm Beach Gardens Moose Lodge #2010/WOTM Chapter 1471, 3600 RCA Blvd, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Palm Beach 33410-3228, USA. Phone: (561)626-4417, Fax: (561)626-1516, Email: Lodge2010@mooseunits.org, Contact name: John and Joann Bishop, Website: www.lodge2010.moosepages.org, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: Thursday 11:30pm
Remarks: This is a Non-smoking facility. Thursday day standard hard games with multiple Jackpot games. Food is available 11:00am til 1:30 pm. Women of The Moose Volunteers. Thank you for your support:)
[Submitted July 2015, updated April 2016.]
- Palm Coast
~ Palm Coast VFW Hall Post # 8696, 47 Old Kings Road, N, Palm Coast, Fl. 32135, USA. Phone: 386 446 -8696, Fax: 386 445-4474, Email: vfwpost8696@pcfl.net, Contact name: Terry Howard, Playtime: Almost every Thrusday at 6 PM
[Submitted April 2010 ]
~ Palm Court Elks,
53 Old Kings Road North,
Palm Coast, Florida 32135-2765,
USA. Game play: Fri-5:30 Sun-1:00pm
Phone: (386) 446-2709
~ Social Club of Palm Coast, 51 Old Kings Rd N, Palm Coast, FL 32137, USA. Phone: 3864465632, Website: www.socialclubofpalmcoast.org, Email: columbianscopc@outlook.com, Disabled facilities: ADA equipped, Playtime: Fridays 11.30am and Sundays 1.30pm
Remarks: SMOKE FREE, food for sale and Tables spaced 6 feet apart, Masks and temperatures. Games all paper no electronic. First time people $5.00 off. $200 Jackpot progressive
[Submitted November 2020 ]
- Palmetto
~ Colonial Bingo,
900 9th Ave E,
Palmetto, Florida 34221-4131,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (941) 722-3191
~ Holy Cross Church Bingo,
506 26th St West (B-41 N),
Palmetto, Florida,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:00 pm Oct thru April
Phone: (941) 729-3891
- Panama City
~ Bingo Palace,
2629 E 15th St,
Panama City, Florida 32405-6352,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 10:30am till 12:00am Drop In Bingo
Phone: (850) 784-8149
~ Bingo Paradise,
307 East 15th Street,
Panama City, Florida 32405,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 10:30 am
Phone: (850) 913-0606
~ Bon Temps Bingo, 239 W 15th St, Panama City, FL 32401, USA. Phone: 850-215-2646, Email: Bontempbingo@gmail.com, Website: www.bontempsbingo.weebly.com, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: 11:00 till 11:30pm
Remarks: Bon Temps Bingo the only Bingo hall in town that you can play bingo, order a complete meal from J's seafood and pick smoking or non-smoking area to sit in while you play and eat. Check out the website at www.bontempsbingo.weebly.com for free coupons and free games.
[Submitted May 2012 ]
~ Eastsidebingo,
5400 East Highway 98,
Panama City, Florida 32404,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (850) 871-4833
- Panama City Beach
~ Emerald Coast Bingo,
7924 Front Beach Rd,
Panama City Beach, Florida 32407,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (850) 235-9060
- Pensacola
~ American Legion,
8666 Gulf Beach Hwy,
Pensacola, Florida 32507-2639,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:30 Thu-8:00am
Phone: (850) 455-6111
~ Beachside Bingo,
10335 Gulf Beach Highway,
Pensacola, Escambia, Florida 32507, USA.
Playtime: Sunday - Saturday 10:30 - 12:00,
Phone: (850) 492-9023,
Remarks: The Best View of any hall in Pensacola - Great Games - Tons of Fun
[Submitted April 2003 ]
~ Bingo Paradise, 4469 Mobile Hwy at Fairfield, Pensacola, FL 32506, USA. Phone: 850-457-0067, Email: bingo.paradise@yahoo.com, Website: www.bingo-paradise.net, Playtime: open daily at 10am / daily session at 7pm
Remarks: Pensacola's premier bingo hall. Over 15,000 sqft of bingo fun. Large non-smoking room. Daily specials. Free bingo daily. Friendly staff. Biggest payouts in town. Have fun & win big at Bingo Paradise.
[Submitted July 2011 ]
~ Town & Country Bingo,
3300 North Pace Blvd,
Pensacola, Florida 32505,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (850) 455-4111
- Pinellas Park
~ Park 66 Bingo,
7640 66th Street North,
Pinellas Park, Florida,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 4:30
Phone: (727) 541-3488
- Plant City
~ VFW Post 4590,
3709 US Hwy 92 E,
Plant City, Florida 33566,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (813) 754-7880
- Pompano Beach
~ Bingo at Four Corners, 2466 N Powerline Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33069-1002, USA. Phone: (954) 984-0065, Website: www.bingoatfourcorners.com, Playtime: 7 days 6:30, Sat & Sun-11:30 & 6:30
[Submitted November 2003 ]
~ Sample Road Bingo,
750 E Sample Rd,
Pompano Beach, Florida 33064-5144,
USA. Game play: 6 days, 6:30 pm Closed Tue
Phone: (954) 781-0399
~ Temple Sholom Bingo, 132 SE 11th Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060, USA. Phone: 954-942-6410, Email: info@templesholomflorida.org, Contact name: Melissa, Playtime: Monday 6:30 pm, Wednesday 10:30 am
Remarks: smoke free environment, no outside food allowed, free coffee.
[Submitted January 2011 ]
~ Treasure Chest Bingo, 806 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, Florida 33062, U.S. Phone: 954 - 788-7999, Contact name: Sal / Joe
[Submitted May 2004 ]
- Port Charlotte
~ Bingo Trail Bingo,
1700 Tamiami Trail,
Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-1048,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 6:00 with Matinees Wed thru Sun-11:00am
Phone: (941) 255-1266
~ Flamingo Bingo,
4628 Tamiami Trail,
Port Charlotte, Florida 33980,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (941) 629-8001
- Port Orange
~ Epiphany Hall,
200 LaFayette Street,
Port Orange, Florida 32127-5012,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30 pm Wed-12:00 pm noon
Phone: (386) 767-6111
~ Our Lady of Hope,
4675 Clyde Morris Blvd,
Port Orange, Florida 32129-0216,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (386) 788-6144
- Port Richey
~ American Red Cross Bingo,
6520 Ridge Road,
Port Richey, Florida 34668,
USA. Game play: thur-11:40 am n/a
Phone: (727) 846-8977
~ Fr. Felix Ullrich Council 5869 Knights of Columbus, 5850 K of C Drive, Port Richey, FL 34668, Pasco, 34668, USA. Phone: 727-848-6566, Contact name: Gene Daniello, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Wednesday & Thursday 3PM
Remarks: Doors open at 3PM Early Birds 5:30PM
[Submitted August 2013, updated November 2014.]
~ Jasmine Lakes Bingo, 7137 Jasmine Blvd, Port Richey, FL 34668, USA. Phone: 727-868-1159, Playtime: Mondays 5:30pm
Remarks: $3000 in prizes with (3) 250 jackpots, Full kitchen, Non smoking with two smoking breaks
[Submitted August 2008 ]
~ Jewish Community Center, 9841 Scenic Drive, Port Richey, FL 34668, Pasco, USA. Phone: 727-847-3814, Playtime: Thursday
Remarks: Game play every Thursday with doors opening at 8am and games starting at 10am. Enjoy free coffee, tea and donuts with more food available for purchase.
[Submitted October 2014 ]
- Port Saint Lucie
~ Bingo Madness,
7139 S US Highway 1,
Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34952-1412,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 11:00am till 2:00am
Phone: (561) 871-7001
~ Knights of Columbus Council 7514, 451 SW Ravenswood Lane, Port St Lucie, Florida 34983, USA. Phone: 772-878-7514, Email: info@kofc7514.com, Website: www.kofc7514.com, Disabled facilities: Handicap accessable, Playtime: Mon 12 pm, Wed/Fri 6:30 pm
Remarks: Monday luncheon Bingo $8 for lunch and bingo. 18 and over Wednesday and Friday Bingo starts at 6:30pm. Doors open at 4. No admission. 18 and over $20/$25 packages available.
[Submitted December 2014 ]
~ Sons of Italy,
765 SW Dalton Circle,
Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34953-5800,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:00 pm
Phone: (561) 336-4343
- Punta Gorda
~ American Legion,
2101 Taylor Rd,
Punta Gorda, Florida 33950-6254,
USA. Game play: Wed 5:30 & Sat- 6:30 pm
Phone: (941) 639-6337
~ Italian American Club,
25250 Airport Road,
Punta Gorda, Florida 33950-5743,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:00 pm
Phone: (941) 629-7516
- Rockledge
~ Knights of Colombus 6125, 3435 Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, FL 32955, US. Phone: 321-632-6125, Email: hpoletto@kcmail.cfl.rr.com, Website: koc-6125.org, Playtime: Wednesday 6:30 PM
[Submitted April 2011 ]
~ Martin Anderson Senior Ctr,
1025 S Florida Ave,
Rockledge, Florida,
USA. Game play: Wed-11:45am
Phone: (321) 631-7549
- Ruskin
~ Elks Lodge Bingo,
1630 US Hwy 41 S,
Ruskin, Florida 33570,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:00 pm Sun-12:30 pm
Phone: (813) 645-2089
~ St. Anne Bingo, 106 11th Ave NE, Ruskin, Fl 33570, USA. Phone: 813-645-1714, Email: office@saintanneruskin.org, Website: http://saintanneruskin.org/m_bingo.htm, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Thursday, doors open 5:30 p.m., early bird games 6:30 p.m., regular games 7:00 p.m.
Remarks: All games are played on paper strips, daubers required and available for sale, food concession available
[Submitted July 2016 ]
~ VFW Bingo,
5120 US Hwy 41 N,
Ruskin, Florida 33572-3500,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:00 pm
Phone: (813) 645-2935
- Saint Augustine
~ Allied Veterans & SJBA, 1965 State Rd 16, Saint Augustine, FL 32084, USA. Phone: 904-826-0177, Hotline: 904-797-5509, Email: sjbabingo@bellsouth.net, Contact name: Jake Quigley, Playtime: Tuesday, Saturday, & Sunday
Remarks: We feature Seperate Smoking & Non-Smoking sections, Food & Refreshments, and we guarantee a fun filled evening with the friendliest volunteers in Saint Augustine! Doors Open Tuesday 3 PM Quarters Bingo 4 PM Regular Session Begins 6:10 PM. We Feature an All-You-Can-Play program that includes 1 each of the special games for a super low price! Please call 904-797-5509 any day for information or on Tuesday 904-826-0177. SEE YOU THERE & GOOD LUCK! Check our webpage for our current info at www.sjbabingo.org
[Submitted July 2004, updated July 2005.]
~ Elks Bingo,
1420 A1A South,
Saint Augustine, Florida 32080,
USA. Game play: Thurs 6:30 pm & 1st Tue of each month 6:30 pm
Phone: (904) 471-3557
- Saint Cloud
~ VFW,
915 New York Ave,
Saint Cloud, Florida 34769-3361,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (407) 892-6761
- Saint James City
~ St James City Bingo,
3300 4th Ave,
Saint James City, Florida 33956,
USA. Game play: thurs 330 pm ans mach
Phone: (239) 283-0242
- Saint Petersburg
~ 66 St. Bingo, 5100 66 St. North, St Petersburg, Florida 33709, USA. Phone: 727-803-6811, Playtime: Open everyday 4:00 P.M.
Remarks: We are open Monday thru Friday at 4:00 P.M. Saturday & Sunday open noon. We are a brand new State Of The Art Charity Bingo offering smoking & a glassed in non-smoking room. Please call for details.
[Submitted November 2011 ]
~ Disston Plaza Bingo,
3455 49th St North,
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33710-2147,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 12:00pm & 6:30pm
Phone: (727) 522-1124
~ St Theresa,
4265 13th Street North,
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33713-4703,
USA. Game play: Tue & Sat-12:30
Phone: (727) 321-9759
~ Woodlawn Park Bingo,
1900 16th St North,
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33704-3920,
USA. Game play: Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun-7:30 pm
Phone: (727) 823-0273
- Sanford
~ American Legion & Aux Bingo,
2874 South Sanford Ave,
Sanford, Florida 32773 -5297,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (407) 322-1652
~ Fleet Reservist,
3040 W Hwy 46,
Sanford, Florida 32771-9514,
USA. Game play: Thu-11:15am
Phone: (321) 330-1706
~ Knights of Columbus,
2504 S Oak Ave,
Sanford, Florida 32773-5105,
USA. Game play: Mon-Thu-Fri-Sun-6:45
Phone: (321) 322-9777
~ Sanford DAV,
3512 S Orlando Drive,
Sanford, Florida 32773-5610,
USA. Game play: Wed & Sat-6:00 pm
Phone: (321) 323-2710
- Sarasota
~ DAV Chapter #3,
2445 Fruitville Rd,
Sarasota, Florida 34237,
USA. Game play: Fri 1 2 pm ans mach for work phone Pers res 2nd number ans mach try later eve
Phone: (941) 955-6853
~ DAV #97,
7177 Bee Ridge Road,
Sarasota, Florida 34241-5949,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:15
Phone: (941) 371-7844
~ Palm Plaza Bingo, 4414 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233, USA. Phone: 941-378-1160, Playtime: 2pm -11pm 7 days
[Submitted January 2008 ]
~ Sarasota Elks,
2635 Fruitville Road,
Sarasota, Florida 34237-5222,
USA. Game play: Sun-11:00 am
Phone: (941) 365-3557
~ St Martha's Bingo,
200 N Orange Ave,
Sarasota, Florida 34236,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30 pm
Phone: (941) 366-4210
~ The Office Too, Mall Dr off of US 42 and Gateway Ave, Sarasota, Florida 34231, USA. Phone: 941-921-6895, Playtime: Doors open at 4 p.m. games start 5:30 p.m.
Remarks: Snack Bar, Video Monitors, P.a. System, and friendly staff
[Submitted December 2003 ]
- Sebastian
~ Sebastian Elks Lodge,
731 S Fleming St,
Sebastian, Florida 32978-2060,
USA. Game play: Wed-12:00pm Thu-7:00pm
Phone: (561) 589-1516
- Silver Springs
~ VFW #10111,
5521 NE 35th Street,
Silver Springs, Florida 34488,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (352) 236-1288
- Spring Hill
~ Knights of Columbus,
10470 Spring Hill Drive,
Spring Hill, Florida 34608-5044,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:00 Sun-12:00
Phone: (352) 683-1227
~ VFW Post 10209, 15166 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill, FL 34609, USA. Phone: 352-796-0398, Contact name: Loren Smith, Playtime: Tues 6:00 P.M. - Thurs 10:00 A.M.
Remarks: Offers 3 $250.00 jackpot games. All non-smoking hall - food available for sale - free coffee.
[Submitted August 2004 ]
- Stuart
~ Knights of Columbus, 7251 SE Gaines Ave., Stuart, FL 34957, USA. Phone: 7722867507, Hotline: 7722867507, Fax: 7722867507, Playtime: Thurs 12:00 PM, Sun 5:00 PM
[Submitted December 2007, updated September 2016.]
~ Moose,
2454 SE Indian St,
Stuart, Florida 34997-5046,
USA. Game play: Mon & Tue 6:00 pm Sat- 2:00 pm
Phone: (561) 287-2400
- Sunny Isles Beach
~ North Collins Bingo Hall,
18288 Collins Ave.,
Sunny Isles Bch., Florida, Fl 33160, USA.
Playtime: matinee 12:00 noon to 3:00 P.M. Evening 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Phone: (305) 932-7185,
Remarks: Open 7 days and nights, for over 18 years of bingo fun and
excitement. Fully glass enclosed no-smoking room,
full service snack bar. 10 giant jackpots played every session.
Free transportation with min. spend**(Call for details).
Play all 10 regular games for only $5.00
Free club membership worth lots of free extra's.
10 Free games every sunday morning @10:30 A.M.
Play fun video machines for "Reel Excitement"!
Call for Daily Specials @ (305) 932-7185
North Collins Bingo " Where the fun never ends "!
Located @ 183 St. and A-1-A (Collins Ave.)
North Miami Beach Fl 33160
[Submitted September 2002 ]
- Sunrise
~ St. Bernard's Bingo, 8279 Sunset Strip, Sunrise, FL 33322, USA. Phone: 954-741-0275, Email: stbernardbingo@comcast.net, Contact name: Mike Howard, Playtime: Thursday 6:00 pm
Remarks: Doors open at 4:00 pm. Sales begin at 4:30 pm.
[Submitted May 2009 ]
- Surfside
~ Surfside Community Center, 9301 Collins Ave, Surfside, FL 33154, USA. Phone: 305-866-3635, Email: mfunes@townofsurfsidefl.gov, Contact name: Maria Funes, Website: www.townofsurfsidefl.gov, Playtime: Thursday, February 1st, 2007
Remarks: Every 1st And 3rd Thursday of the month beginning February 1, 2007.
[Submitted January 2007 ]
- Tallahassee
~ Elks Lodge,
276 N Magnolia Drive,
Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2638,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (850) 877-1652
~ Moose,
1478 Capital Circle NW,
Tallahassee, Florida 32303-1169,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:15 Sun-6:15
Phone: (850) 575-9862
~ T & L Bingo, 2394 West Tennessee St, Tallahassee, Florida 32304, USA. Phone: (850) 576-1650
- Tampa
~ American legion Post 248, 2105 N Jamaica St, Tampa, Fl 33609, USA. Phone: 813-263-5432, Email: info@post248.com, Contact name: Eddie H Diaz, Website: www.post248.com, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Wed & Friday 3pm, Sunday 1pm
Remarks: New electonic Bingo machines plus real callers.
[Submitted August 2011 ]
~ Anabel Sanchez,
1408 E 137Ave,
Tampa, Florida, FL 33613, USA.
Phone: (813) 631-9628, Email: anabel1784_340@hotmail.com, Contact name: Martha Rebollar,
Playtime: 2:40pm,
[Submitted May 2003 ]
~ Busch Bingo,
4962 East Busch Boulevard,
Tampa, Florida 33617,
USA. Game play: Tue thru Sun- 4:30 pm Closed Mon
Phone: (813) 985-3900
~ Good Shepard Catholic Church,
6410 E Hillsborough Ave,
Tampa, Florida 33610-4130,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:15 pm
Phone: (813) 626-7588
~ Grand Plaza Walk In Bingo,
14459 N Dale Mabry Hwy,
Tampa, Florida 33618-2000,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 10:30am
Phone: (813) 962-1304
~ N-41 Bingo,
14226 N Nebraska Ave,
Tampa, Florida 33624-1059,
USA. Game play: Mon-Wed-Fri thru Sun-6:30
Phone: (813) 978-3632
- Tarpon Springs
~ Belcher Bingo North, 10410 US Hwy 19, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689, United States. Phone: 727-939-2277, Email: belcherbingo@yahoo.com, Contact name: Jonathan Kreidler, Website: www.belcherbingo.com, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: 2pm-12pm
[Submitted April 2011 ]
~ Countyline Bingo,
40140 US 19,
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689-8330,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 3:30 & 10:30pm
Phone: (727) 938-7975
- Tavernier
~ Elks,
Mile marker 92 1/2 Overseas Hwy,
Tavernier, Florida 33070,
USA. Game play: Fri- 7:00 pm
Phone: (305) 852-1872
- Titusville
~ Dav Chapter 109 Service Complex, 435 North Singloton Ave., Titusville, Florida 32796, Brevard, USA. Phone: 1-321-269-0109, Email: commander@davchapter109.org, Contact name: Tom Patton, URL: http://www.davchapter109.org/, Playtime: Sat and Sun doors open 12pm. Early bird 4:00 to 4:30. Regular bingo starts at 5:30pm
Remarks: We have smoking and nonsmoking rooms. There is a snack bar that features hot and cold food some is home made. There are fiftyfour payouts that include three jackpots. Visit our website to view our hall.
[Submitted October 2003, updated November 2003.]
~ Elks Lodge,
2955 Columbia Blvd,
Titusville, Florida 32781-2137,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30 pm Wed-9:45 am
Phone: (321) 268-2113
~ Knights of Columbus,
3450 Kilmarnoch Rd,
Titusville, Florida 32780-9655,
USA. Game play: Wed & Thu-6:45
Phone: (321) 268-2764
~ St Teresa Catholic Church,
205 Ojibway Ave,
Titusville, Florida 32780,
USA. Game play: thurs 330 pm ans service rectory is 2nd #
Phone: (321) 268-5844
- Venice
~ Galleria Bingo, 2077 S. Tamiami Tr., Venice, FL 34293, USA. Phone: 941-492-6696, Playtime: 11am to 11pm 7 days
[Submitted January 2008 ]
~ Venice Nokomis Elks Lodge #1854, 1021 Discovery Way, Venice, FL 34275, USA. Phone: (941) 486-1854, Playtime: Tuesdays 6-8pm
Remarks: Non-Smoking - Progressive Bozo Pot
[Submitted August 2009 ]
- Vero Beach
~ Fr. Crowley Center, Knights of Columbus Council #13153, 2355 82nd Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida 32967, USA. Phone: 772-226-7470, Fax: 772-226-7470, Email: robertwalsh1710@comcast.net, Contact name: Robert E. Walsh, Disabled facilities: Full access for disabled, Playtime: Friday Games start at 12 noon
Remarks: Doors open at 9:00 AM. We play 28 games weekly from September to June. We also provide a free hot meal at 11:00 AM each week.
[Submitted June 2014 ]
~ Polish American Social Club,
7500 N US Hwy 1,
Vero Beach, Florida 32967-6914,
USA. Game play: Tue & Thu-12:30
Phone: (561) 778-0039
~ Vero Beach Veterans,
2500 15th Ave,
Vero Beach, Florida 32960-3309,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30
Phone: (561) 778-1299
- Wauchula
~ Elks Lodge,
318 W Main St,
Wauchula, Florida 33873-2824,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:30 pm
Phone: (863) 773-9656
~ St Michael Church,
408 Heard Bridge Rd,
Wauchula, Florida 33873-2304,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:30 Sept thru May
Phone: (863) 773-4089
- West Hollywood
~ 441 Bingo Hall,
5972 Penbroke Rd,
W Hollywood, Fla 33023, USA.
Playtime: 7 days am/pm,
Phone: (954) 989-2330, Contact name: Denis,
Remarks: 10 cent bingo
[Submitted January 2003 ]
- West Palm Beach
~ Military Hall,
2845 N Military Trail,
West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-2955,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 10:00am till 11:00pm Walk In Bingo
Phone: (561) 681-9272
~ Primetime Bingo,
1750 West 45th St,
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407, USA. Game play: 7 Days - 6:30pm
Phone: (561) 863-4033
- Wildwood
~ Sumter 44 Lions Club, 818 Old Wire Rd, Wildwood, Florida 34785, USA. Phone: 352-748-3990, Playtime: Fridays and Saturdays 11 AM
Remarks: Doors open at 8:30. Snack Bar, free coffee. Non smoking facility with outdoor smoke breaks
[Submitted October 2007, updated June 2016.]
- Williston
~ Southern Warmups, 703 NW 7th Blvd, Williston, FL 32696, USA. Phone: 352 528 0080, Playtime: Tues, Wed, Fri 6:30 pm; Sun 1:00 pm
Remarks: non-smoking room,weekley specials,tues and friday 49cent dinners, power and paper available.
[Submitted February 2007 ]
- Winter Garden
~ V.F.W, Plant St, Winter Garden, Florida 34761, U.S.A. Phone: 407-656-3078, Contact name: Ray Jhonson, Playtime: Tue 6:00pm, Sat 2pm
Remarks: we have a cafe at the V.F.W come join the fun
[Submitted September 2004 ]
- Winter Haven
~ Elks Lodge #1672,
332 Avenue "B" SW,
Winter Haven, Florida 33880-3925,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00 pm
Phone: (863) 299-7789
~ Knights of Columbus,
410 3rd St South,
Winter Haven, Florida 33883-9165,
USA. Game play: Thu & Sun-7:00 pm
Phone: (863) 401-2779
- Winter Park
~ Elks #1830 Bingo, 4755 Howell Branch Rd, Winter Park, Florida 32792, USA. Phone: (407) 671-0010, Playtime: Thur 6PM
[Submitted September 2012 ]
~ Knights of Columbus,
5727 Cornelia Ave,
Winter Park, Florida 32789,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (407) 678-2112
- Winter Springs
~ Bada Bingo, 201 W. SR434, Winter Springs, Fl 32708, USA. Phone: 407-327-5300, Contact name: Mark, Playtime: Friday 7:00pm
Remarks: Every Friday night at The Jacob School. Doors open at 6:30pm – Games begin at 7:00pm. Weekly fundraiser for small non-profit school.
[Submitted December 2008 ]
- Yulee
~ Yulee Lions Club Bingo, 893 N US Hwy 17, Yulee, Florida 32097, United States. Phone: 904-225-9612, Hotline: 904-708-2591, Contact name: Roy, Playtime: Open Sunday only, doors open 1pm, early warm ups 2pm, early birds 2:30pm, regular Games 3pm
Remarks: Newly painted Hall, Hall is for rent on other days for functions such as Receptions, Yard Sales, Meetings, or Parties. Call for more information.
[Submitted July 2015 ]
- Zephyrhills
~ American Legion Post 118, 5340 8th Street, Zephyrhills, Florida 33542, USA. Phone: 813-782-0481, Email: Americanlegionpost118@yahoo.com, Website: Americanlegionpost118.com, Disabled facilities: ramp, Playtime: Sunday 6 pm starting Nov 6, 2011
[Submitted November 2005, updated October 2011.]
~ Lions Club,
5827 Dean Dairy Road,
Zephyrhills, Florida 33541-0754,
USA. Game play: Tue & Sat-6:00
Phone: (813) 788-1441
~ Moose Lodge,
3211 Gall Blvd,
Zephyrhills, Florida 33541-8842,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30 pm Nov thru April both Thu and Mon 6:30 pm
Phone: (813) 782-1771
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