ID Idaho bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
Bingo Halls (In the Idaho bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Boise
~ Boise Eagles #115, 7025 W Overland, Boise, Idaho 83709, USA. Phone: 208-376-0115, Email:, Contact name: Jodie, Playtime: every Wednesday night at 6:30pm
Remarks: Drinks available for over 21.
[Submitted March 2013, updated January 2015.]
~ Moose,
605 Vista Ave,
Boise, Idaho 83705-1712,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:30
Phone: (208) 343-4744
- Bonners Ferry
~ Kootenai River Inn,
7160 Plaza Street,
Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805-8598,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-6:30pm - Sat &Sun-2:30 pm
Phone: (800) 346-5668
- Burley
~ Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3043, 554 Hiland Ave, Burley 83318, Idaho, USA. Phone: 208-572-0509, Email:, Contact name: VFW Post 3043, Website:, Playtime: Saturday doors open at 5PM
[Submitted September 2017 ]
- Caldwell
~ Treasure Valley Bingo,
815 Arthur St,
Caldwell, Idaho 83605-3725,
USA. Game play: Mon & Thu-6:45 Sun-6:00
Phone: (208) 455-1887
- Fort Hall
~ Exit 80 Casino,
Exit 80,
Fort Hall, Idaho 83203-0868,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00-Fri & Sat-7:00-10:30 Sun-2:00
Phone: (208) 237-8774
- Idaho Falls
~ Eagles Lodge, 635 Hemmert Dr., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401, USA. Phone: 208-524-6274, Playtime: Mon 7:00 pm, Fri 7:00 pm, Sun 1:30 pm, Disabled facilities: Handicap accessible
Remarks: Fairly new facility. Newcomers Welcome!
[Submitted July 2009 ]
~ Elks,
640 East Elva Street,
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (208) 522-6371
- Jerome
~ Jerome Senior Center, 520 N Lincoln, Jerome, ID 83338, USA. Phone: 208-324-5642, Disabled facilities: wheelchair accessible, Playtime: Friday nights, selling 4-6 pm calling 6 pm, 2nd and 4th Wednesday, selling at 12:45, calling at 1:15
Remarks: This is a fundraiser for our Senior Center, we have been having bingo for over ten years.
[Submitted March 2022 ]
- Lewiston
~ Eagles,
1304 Main St,
Lewiston, Idaho 83501-1905,
USA. Game play: Mon & Wed-12:00 Sat & Sun-5:30
Phone: (208) 746-2971
300 Main Street,
Lewiston, Idaho 83501-6802,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (208) 743-1535
- Mackay
~ American Legion,
Main Street,
Mackay, Idaho 83251-0202,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (208) 588-3067
- Meridian
~ 1Away Bingo Hall, 2120 E. Fairview, Meridian, Idaho, United States. Phone: 208-258-2215, Website:, Playtime: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 5PM
Remarks: Non-profit fundraising bingo hall run by the Idaho Lottery Commission. Help others and win big prizes! Ages 18+ welcome. Handicap accessible.
[Submitted October 2011 ]
~ Meridian Senior Center, 133 W. Broadway, Meridian, Idaho 83642, USA. Phone: 208-888-5555, Fax: 208-888-9135, Email:, Contact name: Cindy Hill, Playtime: Fri Evenings 6:30pm to 9:00pm.
Remarks: Doors open at 5:30. Our facility is handicap accessable. Refreshments available for purchase.
[Submitted August 2006 ]
- Middleton
~ Middleton Area Optimist Club, 302 E. Main, Middleton, ID 83644, USA. Phone: 2082866205, Fax: 2082866204, Contact name: Victor, Website:, Playtime: 6:00 pm
Remarks: Bingo first Saturday of every month! Doors open at 4:30 early bird starts at 5:30 regular game start at 6:00. $10 buy in, Additional packs are $5, Early Bird/specials are $1, Hot ball tickets are $1
[Submitted November 2016 ]
- Mountain Home
~ Elks,
325 S 3rd St,
Mountain Home, Idaho 83647-0731,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (208) 587-9926
- Nampa
~ Eagles,
118 11th Avenue North,
Nampa, Idaho 83687-3948,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (208) 466-3151
~ Gem Bingo, 1012 11th Ave. N., Nampa, Idaho 83687, Canyon, USA. Phone: 208-465-7522, Disabled facilities: Handicap accessible, Playtime: Thurs, Fri, Sun afternoon & eveing sessions
[Submitted April 2010 ]
~ Nampa Bingo / Columbians of Nampa, 2900 E. Railroad St, Nampa, Idaho 83687, U.S.A. Phone: 208-465-7522, Email:, Website:, Disabled facilities: handicap seating, Playtime: Sunday at 1 and 6, Doors open at 4:30 games start at 6 speed ball on Wednesday and Thursday at 3:30
Remarks: We offer Little Champ machines, full lottery retailer, pull tabs, full kitchen, no alcoholic beverages allowed, smoking and non smoking section.
[Submitted April 2009, updated August 2019.]
- Osburn
~ VFW,
318 E Mullan Ave,
Osburn, Idaho 83849-0534,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00 (Wed-7:00 June-July-Aug)
Phone: (208) 752-4811
- Payette
~ Corpus Christi Bingo, 1212 1st ave, South, Payette, Idaho 83661, USA. Hotline: 208-739-0759, Email:, Contact name: Carla Campo, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Thursday's 6:00pm
Remarks: We have a new speical every month, Home made food and lots of fun! $1199.00 on pick 8 every week.
[Submitted December 2011.]
- Pocatello
~ Elks,
410 S Main,
Pocatello, Idaho 83204-3326,
USA. Game play: Mon & Thu-7:00
Phone: (208) 232-2400
- Post Falls
~ Clubhouse Bingo at the Greyhound Park and Event Center, 5100 Riverbend Avenue, Post Falls, ID 83854, USA. Game play: Monday 11:30am, Thursday 11:45am, Friday 6:30pm, Phone: (800) 828-4880, Website:
[Submitted October 2011 ]
- Saint Anthony
~ VFW / American Legion Hall, 132 W 1st North, Saint Anthony, Idaho 83445, USA. Phone: 208-624-3449, Contact name: Keith Nave, Playtime: Tues. 7:00 pm - Summers only, Disabled facilities: Handicap accessible
[Submitted July 2009 ]
- Salmon
~ Eagles,
210 1/2 Main Street,
Salmon, Idaho 83467-4111,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:30
Phone: (208) 756-2192
- Sandpoint
~ VFW,
1325 West Pine Street,
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-0687,
USA. Game play: Mon & Thu-7:00
Phone: (208) 263-9613
- Twin Falls
~ American Legion #7,
Seastrom Street,
Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-0863,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:15 pm
Phone: (208) 733-7527
~ Moose,
835 Falls Ave,
Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-0612,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:15 Sun-2:15
Phone: (208) 733-9870
- Wendell
~ American Legion,
610 E Main Street,
Wendell, Idaho 83355-0238,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30 pm
Phone: (208) 536-6358
- Worley
~ Coeur D'Alene Tribal Bingo,
Highway 95,
Worley, Idaho 83876-0236,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:00 Sat-3:00 Sun-2:00
Phone: (800) 523-2464
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