IL Illinois bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
* A-C .
D-H .
I-N .
O-R .
Bingo Halls (In the Illinois bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Abingdon
~ American Legion,
Rt 41 South,
Abingdon, Illinois 61410-0053,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:30
Phone: (309) 462-9309
- Addison
~ John's Pizza Addison, 100 E Lake Street , Addison, IL 60101, USA. Phone: 888-311-9224, Email:, Contact name: Dan T, Website:, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Monday & Thursdays 6:30pm
Remarks: Beginning November 8th. Hand Free Computers!
[Submitted October 2010 ]
- Aledo
~American Legion Post #121, 2000 Highway 17, Aledo, Il 61231, United States. Phone: 309-582-3091, Playtime: Friday 6:30 pm
Remarks: All paper
[Submitted April 2012 ]
- Alton
~ VFW,
4445 Alby St,
Alton, Illinois 62002-9171,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 pm
Phone: (618) 466-6883
- Anna
~ VFW,
70 VFW Lane,
Anna, Illinois 62906-3012,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 Sun-3:00
Phone: (618) 833-5182
- Aurora
~ Aurora Central Catholic High School
Address: 1255 N. Edgelawn, Aurora, IL 60506, USA. Phone: 630-907-0095, Website:, Playtime: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Remarks: Join us for BINGO at Aurora Central Catholic High School! Doors open at 5pm, concessions open at 5:30pm and regular games begin at 7pm. Door prizes, hot ball, great jackpots and more!
[Submitted August 2010 ]
~ Our Lady of Good Counsel,
601 Talma Street,
Aurora, Illinois 60505-5220,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:00 pm
Phone: (630) 851-4400
- Bartonville
~ American Legion,
4501 S Airport Road,
Bartonville, Illinois 61607-9440,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:00
Phone: (309) 697-2432
- Beckemeyer
~ American Legion 1227,
391 Louis St,
Beckemeyer, Illinois 62219-0116,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30 pm
Phone: (618) 227-8811
- Belleville
~ Shiloh Eagles,
100 Eagle Drive, Belleville, Illinois 62221, USA. Phone: (618) 624-5412, Email:, Contact name: Elaine, Bingo Time - Monday 6:30 p.m.
Remarks: Kitchen Opens at 5:30. Bingo Mates available.
[Submitted November 2005, updated August 2006.]
~ St Luke Perpetual Help,
226 N Church Street,
Belleville, Illinois 62220,
USA. Game play: Tue
- Belvidere
~ American Legion 900,
900 Chrysler Dr,
Belvidere, Illinois 61008-6036,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (815) 547-7216
~ Moose 295,
575 Beloit Rd,
Belvidere, Illinois 61008-1709,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (815) 544-9279
~ VFW 1461, 1310 W Lincoln, Belvidere, Illinois 61008-3444, USA. Game play: Sun 1:00 pm, Phone: (815) 544-2014
- Berwyn
~ Berwyn Liberty Center, 6445 W. 27th Place, Berwyn, IL 60402, USA. Phone: 708-803-2582, Email:, Website:, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: Every Sunday 6pm
Remarks: Events hosted by The Italian American Civic Organization of Berwyn
[Submitted November 2016 ]
~ Cicero Berwyn Elks Lodge 1510, 2600 S Ridgeland, Berwyn, Illinois 60402, Cook, USA. Phone: 708-484-1510, Contact name: Ann Boron, Playtime: 7:30 Mondays
[Submitted June 2011 ]
~ Eagles 2125,
6309-21 W 26th Street,
Berwyn, Illinois 60402-2606,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (708) 484-8787
~ Loyal Order of Moose 424,
3625 S Harlem,
Berwyn, Illinois 60402-3212,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (708) 788-8988
~ St Mary of Celle School,
1448 S Wesley Ave,
Berwyn, Illinois 60402-1219,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (708) 788-0876
- Bloomington
~ Eagles,
313 S Main,
Bloomington, Illinois 61701-5117,
USA. Game play: Sat-1:00
Phone: (309) 829-1320
~ Moose,
614 IAA Drive,
Bloomington, Illinois 61701-2217,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:50
Phone: (309) 663-1432
- Blue Island
~ St Isidore Holy Name Society,
127 31 Wood Street (School),
Blue Island, Illinois 60406-2201,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:45 pm
Phone: (708) 389-4936
- Bluford
~ American Legion,
15123 N Legion Lane,
Bluford, Illinois 62814-9795,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:45
Phone: (618) 732-6258
- Bolingbrook
~ First Class Bingo, 374 Bollingbrook Commons, Bollingbrook, IL 60440, USA. Phone: 630-739-3748, Playtime: Tuesday, Thursday thru Sunday, 7:00P.M.
[Submitted October 2005 ]
- Bradley
~ American Legion,
835 W Broadway,
Bradley, Illinois 60915-2002,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:30
Phone: (815) 939-9113
~ Moose,
730 North Kinzie,
Bradley, Illinois 60915-1229,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30
Phone: (815) 939-3636
- Brookfield
~ St Barbara School, 4009 Prairie Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513, USA. Email:, Website:, Playtime: Second Friday of every month doors open at 5pm
Remarks: Buy-in starts at $20. Computers avaiable, pull tabs, raffles, food and beverages
[Submitted September 2010 ]
- Bunker Hill
~ American Legion,
319 N Marion,
Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014-1457,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (618) 585-4478
- Burbank
~ St Albert The Great Parish,
80th & Central,
Burbank, Illinois 60459-2049,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 pm
Phone: (708) 423-0321
- Bushnell
~ VFW,
181 E Hail St,
Bushnell, Illinois 61422-1332,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00
Phone: (309) 772-2816
- Cahokia
~ American Legion 784,
16 Delano Dr,
Cahokia, Illinois 62206-3106,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 Sat-12:30pm & 7:00 Sun-6:00
Phone: (618) 337-9887
~ Cahokia Jaycee Hall, 150 Edgar, Cahokia, Illinois 62206, St. Clair, USA. Phone: 618-337-7718, Hotline: 636-464-8366, Email:, Contact name: Ruby Turner, Playtime: Monday 7:00 pm
[Submitted July 2005 ]
~ Holy Family Holy Name Society,
116 Church St,
Cahokia, Illinois 62206-1818,
USA. Game play: Sat-12:00pm & 7:00pm
Phone: (618) 337-4548
~ Knights of Columbus,
100 E 5th St,
Cahokia, Illinois 62206-1702,
USA. Game play: Wed-12:00 Sun-1:00
Phone: (618) 337-1303
- Cairo
~ VFW,
3313 Sycamore St,
Cairo, Illinois 62914-1336,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (618) 734-2649
- Canton
~ Elks Lodge,
61 W Elms St,
Canton, Illinois 61520-0099,
USA. Game play: Sun-1:00
Phone: (309) 647-0200
~ Knights of Columbus,
322 N 4th Ave,
Canton, Illinois 61520-1904,
USA. Game play: Wed-5:30
Phone: (309) 647-4799
- Carbondale
~ Eagles,
1206 W Linden,
Carbondale, Illinois 62901-1108,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 Sun-6:30
Phone: (618) 529-9345
- Carlinville
~ American Legion,
554 Ramey St,
Carlinville, Illinois 62626-0244,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (217) 854-2769
~ Moose Lodge,
801 Pine St,
Carlinville, Illinois 62626-2061,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (217) 854-6460
- Carlyle
~ Knights of Columbus 1382,
1471 Fairfax,
Carlyle, Illinois 62231-1706,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:30
Phone: (618) 594-2730
~ VFW 3523,
1250 Franklin St,
Carlyle, Illinois 62231-1719,
USA. Game play: Sun & Mon-7:30
Phone: (618) 594-8039
- Carmi
~ VFW,
418 E Main St,
Carmi, Illinois 62821-1812,
USA. Game play: Thu & Sat- 7:30 pm
Phone: (618) 382-5480
- Carol Stream
~ American Legion Post 76, 570 S Gary Ave, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. Phone: 630-682-0076, Contact name: Karen, Website:, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: Wednesdays 10am and Fridays 7pm
Remarks: Food and Bar available.
[Submitted February 2013 ]
- Carpentersville
~ St Monica Church,
90 N Kennedy Drive,
Carpentersville, Illinois 60110-1695,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30
Phone: (847) 428-2646
~ VFW,
301 Lake Marion Road,
Carpentersville, Illinois 60110-2005,
USA. Game play: Wed-11:30am
Phone: (847) 428-4836
- Carthage
~ VFW,
29 N Madison,
Carthage, Illinois 62321-1326,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00
Phone: (217) 357-2210
- Cedarville
~ Lions Club at Jane Addams Community Center, 430 W. Washington St., Cedarville, IL 61013-0324, USA. Hotline: Bad Weather Msg Line: 1-888-252-3662, Email:, Website:, Disabled facilities: Yes - wheel chair access and rest room, Playtime: Thursdays: Open 5pm, Bingo 6:30pm
Remarks: Bingo Closed: June thru August; Lions Kitchen 5pm - 7:45pm for sandwiches, soups, pies, snacks, refreshments (no liquor).
[Submitted June 2011 ]
- Centralia
~ Moose #1219,
1824 S Poplar Street,
Centralia, Illinois 62801,
USA. Game play: Fri
Phone: (618) 532-7751
- Champaign
~ Lone Star Lodge #18 Bingo, 208 North 1st Street, Champaign, Illinois 61801, USA. Phone: 217 373-1068, Hotline: 217-328-1959, Fax: 217-367-0942, Email:, Contact name: Richard, Sonya , or Ed. Sykes, Playtime: Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, 11:45am
Remarks: Hot food, salades, plenty free parking, handicap accessible
[Submitted June 2004 ]
- Charleston
~ Charleston Elks # 623, 720 6th St, Charleston, Il 61920, USA. Phone: 217-345-2646, Email:, Contact name: Billie Beason, Playtime: Wednesday 6:30 P.M.
Remarks: Doors open at 5 P.M. Elks located beside Charleston Library. Parking in front & rear of building.
[Submitted September 2011 ]
~ Moose 1388,
615 7th St,
Charleston, Illinois 61920-2029,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (217) 345-2012
- Chester
~ American Legion,
500 E Opdyke St,
Chester, Illinois 62233-1466,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:45
Phone: (618) 826-3015
~ VFW,
939 State,
Chester, Illinois 62233-1643,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (618) 826-3411
- Chicago
~ Bridgeport Catholic Academy, 653 West 37th Street, Chicago, Illinois, IL 60609, USA. Playtime: Every Friday 6:45pm, Phone: 773-927-6263
[Submitted January 2003 ]
~ Copernicus Center, 5216 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60630, USA. Phone: 773-777-8898, Hotline: 773-545-7288, Email:, Website:, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Thursdays, doors at 5pm play at 7pm
Remarks: $5,200 in cash prizes will be given away each week, plus Pull-Tabs and other opportunities to win. Ample free parking and excellent public transportation are available.
[Submitted February 2014 ]
~ Five Holy Martyrs,
4325 S Richmond,
Chicago, Illinois 60632-2504,
USA. Game play: Sun-1:00 pm
Phone: (773) 523-6161
~ Golden Tiara, 3231 N. Cicero Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60641, USA. Phone: 773-736-5353, Contact name: Mark Andolino, Disabled facilities: Handicapped accessible, Playtime: Monday - Sunday (am & pm)
[Submitted July 2010, updated June 2011.]
~ Good Shepherd Catholic,
2725 S Kolin Ave (School),
Chicago, Illinois 60623-4394,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (773) 762-2322
~ Josephinum High School,
1501 N Oakley Blvd,
Chicago, Illinois 60622-1850,
USA. Game play: Mon & Thu-7:00 Sat-10:00 am
Phone: (773) 276-1261
~ Knights of Columbus Hall, 11207 S. Ewing, Chicago, Illinois 60617, USA. Phone: 773-734-5174, Email:, Contact name: Kim, Playtime: Friday 6:30
Remarks: The Veterans Outreach Program of Illinois is sponsoring Friday night Bingo/Raffle Doors open at 4:30 Bingo starts at 6:30
[Submitted June 2010, updated October 2010.]
~ Loyal Order of Moose 44
4500 W 87th St
Chicago, Illinois 60652-3501
USA. Game play: Thu-6:45 Sun-1:00
Phone: (773) 582-0915
~ Luthiania World Center,
127th Street, Lemont, Chicago, Illinois 60561, USA. Game Play: pm, Phone: (630) 257 8787
[Submitted August 2003 ]
~ Nativity of Our Lord Holy Name,
3700 S Union Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60609-1621,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:50 pm
Phone: (773) 927-6263
~ Our Lady of Fatima,
2751 W 38th Place,
Chicago, Illinois 60632-1626,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:00 pm
Phone: (773) 927-2421
~ Our Lady of Fatima Holy Name Bingo, 3916 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60632, USA. Phone: 773-847-9862, Playtime: Thursday 6:45P pm
[Submitted November 2005 ]
~ Our Lady of Good Counsel,
3528 S Hermitage Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60609-1217,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:45 pm
Phone: (773) 523-3917
~ Our Lady of Snows Parish,
4810 S Leamington Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60638-2133,
USA. Game play: Sun-1:30 pm Tue- 7:00 pm
Phone: (773) 582-2266
~ Premier Entertainment Center, 300 W Sibley Blvd, Chicago, IL 60419, USA. Phone: (708) 301-0816, Email:, Website:, Playtime: Sundays 4:00pm
[Submitted March 2009 ]
~ Queen of Angels,
4412 N Western Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60625-2115,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:00 pm
Phone: (773) 539-7730
~ Queen of Martyrs Parish,
3550 W 103rd Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60805-3717,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (708) 423-8110
~ Queen of the Universe Parish,
7114 S Hamlin Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60629-4321,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 pm
Phone: (773) 582-4662
~ Sacred Heart Church,
2906 E 96th Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60617-5008,
USA. Game play: Thu- 6:30 pm
Phone: (773) 768-1423
~ Slovak American Sokol Krivan, 4855 N. Elston Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60630, USA. Phone: 773-685-1464, Contact name: Bryan Pracko, Website:, Playtime: Sundays 4:00 p.m.
[Submitted October 2010 ]
~ St Barbara,
2830 S Quinn Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60608-5922,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30 pm
Phone: (312) 842-7979
~ St Benedict Parish,
3941 N Bell Ave (School),
Chicago, Illinois 60618-3805,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 pm
Phone: (773) 588-6484
~ St Camillus Parish,
5454 S Lockwood Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60638-2916,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:45 pm
Phone: (773) 767-8183
~ St Daniel The Prophet,
5337 S Natoma (School),
Chicago, Illinois 60638-1218,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 pm
Phone: (773) 586-1223
~ St Florian Church,
13110 S Baltimore Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60633,
USA. Game play: Sun
Phone: (773) 646-4877
~ St. Francis Borgia, 8025 W. Addison, Chicago, IL 60634, USA. Phone: (773) 589-1000, Disabled facilities: Wheel chair accesible, Playtime: Third Saturday of every month at 6:30pm
[Submitted June 2021 ]
~ St Gall Home School,
5500 S Kedzie Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60629-3125,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00 pm
Phone: (773) 737-3113
~ St Gregory The Great,
1609 W Gregory St,
Chicago, Illinois 60640-1108,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (773) 561-3546
~ St Helen Dabber Bingo, 2347 W. Augusta Blvd., Chicago, IL 60622, USA. Phone: 773-486-1055, Playtime: Fri Doors Open at 4:00pm. Games begin at 7:00pm.
Remarks: Home Made Food, No Smoking, Air Conditioned
[Submitted September 2006 ]
~ St Jerome Holy Name Society,
2801 S Princeton Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60616-2602,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:35 pm
Phone: (312) 842-1871
~ St Juliana Church,
7400 W Touhy Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60631-4353,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (773) 631-2256
~ St Mary of the Angels Church,
1810 N Hermitage Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60622-1101,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (773) 278-2644
~ St Maurice Church,
3625 S Hoyne Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60609-1147,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (773) 847-3357
~ St Nicholas Ukrainian Church,
2200 W Rice Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60622-3011,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:00 pm
Phone: (773) 384-7243
~ St Pancratius Our Lady,
4025 S Sacramento Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60632-2437,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:45 pm
Phone: (773) 523-5666
~ St Stansilaus Bishop,
2310 N Lorel Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60639-3055,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 pm
Phone: (773) 237-5800
~ St Viator Church,
3644 N Kedvale Ave,
Chicago, Illinois 60641-3997,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (773) 286-4040
~ Santa Lucia Church,
3017 S Wells Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60616-2740,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00 pm
Phone: (312) 326-1839
~ Santa Maria Addolorata School,
1337 W Ohio,
Chicago, Illinois 60622-6438,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00 pm
Phone: (312) 421-5482
- Chicago Heights
~ Catholic War Veterans 10,
2525 Halsted Street,
Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411-4132,
USA. Game play: Tue & Fri-6:45
Phone: (708) 754-9554
~ Moose #828,
2911 E Sauk Trail,
Chicago Heights, Illinois 60412,
USA. Game play: Tue
Phone: (708) 758-2727
~ VFW 2825,
86 Illinois Street,
Chicago Heights, Illinois 60412-0063,
USA. Game play: Wed-Thu-Sat-Sun-6:00
Phone: (708) 754-1685
- Chillicothe
~ VFW Post 4999, 1729 N Santa Fe Ave, Chillicothe, Illinois 61523, USA. Phone: 309-274-4999, Playtime Fri 7:00
[Submitted September 2017 ]
- Chrisman
~ American Legion #477,
124 N Illinois St,
Chrisman, Illinois 61924-1001,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00
Phone: (217) 269-2421
- Christopher
~ Knights of Columbus #3943,
109 N State St #111,
Christopher, Illinois 62822-1745,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (618) 724-4128
- Cicero
~ European Banquet Hall,
3121 S 48th Ct,
Cicero, Illinois 60804-3654,
USA. Game play: 7 days,
Phone: (708) 656-2070
~ St Frances of Rome School,
1401 S Austin Blvd,
Cicero, Illinois 60804-1056,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 pm
Phone: (708) 652-2140
- Coal City
~ Lions Club,
480 S Illinois St,
Coal City, Illinois 60416-1508,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:30
Phone: (815) 634-3114
- Collinsville
~ VFW,
1234 Vandalia,
Collinsville, Illinois 62234-4059,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 pm
Phone: (618) 344-7195
- Coulterville
~ VFW,
511 VFW St,
Coulterville, Illinois 62237-1255,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (618) 758-9009
- Crestwood
~ Crestwood Fire Department, 4428 W Midlothian Tpke, Crestwood, Illinois 60445, USA. Phone: 708-597-7465, Playtime: 1:00 pm
Remarks: Were at the Elks Club Early Birds @12:30pm
[Submitted November 2003 ]
- Creve Coeur
~ Tazewell Bingo Ctr. Inc, 1010 N Main St, Creve Couer, Tazewell, Illinois 61610, USA. Phone: 309 698-8117, Playtime: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday, Fridays, and Saturdays. Doors open at 3:30 early games on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday start at 5:45 and Early games on Wed and Thurs start at 6:00. 2 sessions on Sunday. Doors open at 10:30 AM early games at Noon. 2nd session early games start at 5:45.
Remarks: We are on the border of Creve Coeur and East Peoria Illinois.
[Submitted September 2003, updated February 2007.]
- Cuba
~ American Legion,
417 Main St,
Cuba, Illinois 61427-0533,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:30
Phone: (309) 785-5456
- Cullom
~ American Legion,
127 W Jackson,
Cullom, Illinois,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (815) 689-2381
* A-C .
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I-N .
O-R .
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