KS Kansas bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
* A-K . L-Z
Bingo Halls (In the Kansas bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Abilene
~ Eagles #2934,
1707 N Buckeye,
Abilene, Kansas 67410-0451,
USA. Game play: Sun-Mon & Thu-7:00 pm
Phone: (785) 263-3511
- Agra
~ American Legion #357,
331 Main Street,
Agra, Kansas 67621,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00 pm
Phone: (785) 638-2292
- Arkansas City
~ VFW #1254,
3212 North Summit Road,
Arkansas City, Kansas 67005-8867,
USA. Game play: Wed & Sat-7:00
Phone: (620) 442-4780
- Arma
~ American Legion #182,
512 E Main Street,
Arma, Kansas 66712,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (620) 347-8520
~ Eagles #2014,
404 E Washington Street,
Arma, Kansas 66762,
USA. Game play: Sat-6:30 Sun-12:30
Phone: (620) 347-8717
- Augusta
~ American Legion #406,
9932 Eugene Street,
Augusta, Kansas 67010,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (316) 775-6382
- Beloit
~ VFW #6242,
102 East South St,
Beloit, Kansas 67420-0324,
USA. Game play: Tue & Fri- 7:00
Phone: (785) 738-3988
- Canton
~ American Legion #192,
132 S Main St,
Canton, Kansas 67428-0282,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00
Phone: (620) 628-4784
- Carbondale
~ William E. Tyree Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 11255, 422 Ridgeway, Carbondale, Kansas 66431, U.S. Phone: 785-836-4900, Email: vfwpost11255@embarqmail.com, Website: http://vfwpost11255.wordpress.com/, Playtime: Every Thursday doors open 6:00PM
Remarks: Early bird games 6:30PM, Regular games 7:00PM. We play nine (9) regular games, four (4) special games, two (2) progressive games, and five (5) early bird games. Game Payoff is determined by the number of packs sold and is about 70% of our gross.
[Submitted May 2011 ]
- Chanute
~ American Legion #170,
301 North Evergreen,
Chanute, Kansas 66720-1318,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:40 Sun-1:40
Phone: (620) 431-2960
~ VFW #1654,
1654 W Main,
Chanute, Kansas 66720-0726,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30 Sun-6:00
Phone: (620) 431-9714
- Chapman
~ American Legion,
222 1/2 South Marshall,
Chapman, Kansas 67431-0103,
USA. Game play: Wed & Sat-7:00
Phone: (785) 922-6443
- Cherryvale
~ St Francis Xavier Church,
Cherryvale, Kansas 67335,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (620) 336-2599
- Claflin
~ Immaculate Conception Church,
310 Main,
Claflin, Kansas 67525,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (620) 587-2339
- Clay Center
~ Eagles,
419 Lincoln St,
Clay Center, Kansas 67432-7895,
USA. Game play: Sat & Sun-7:00
Phone: (785) 632-3521
- Colby
~ American Legion,
1850 W 4th,
Colby, Kansas 67701-0514,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30
Phone: (785) 462-3809
- Concordia
~ Moose #1278,
115 West 5th,
Concordia, Kansas 66901-0080,
USA. Game play: Tue & Thu-7:00
Phone: (785) 243-9876
- Dodge City
~ Moose Lodge #1187,
1001 Minneola Rd,
Dodge City, Kansas 67801,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (316) 227-6812
~ VFW # 1714,
909 13th Ave,
Dodge City, Kansas 67801-0307,
USA. Game play: Mon & Fri- 7:00pm
Phone: (620) 225-7081
- El Dorado
~ American Legion #81,
1801 West Central,
El Dorado, Kansas 67042-0004,
USA. Game play: Fri & Sat-7:00
Phone: (316) 321-3767
~ Elks Lodge #1407,
139 Oil Hill Road,
El Dorado, Kansas 67042,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (316) 321-9393
- Emporia
~ Eagles #2587,
1130 East 9th,
Emporia, Kansas 66801-0706,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-7:00
Phone: (620) 342-1553
~ VFW #1980,
932 Graphic Arts,
Emporia, Kansas 66801-0223,
USA. Game play: Sun-7:00
Phone: (620) 342-9864
- Erie
~ American Legion #102,
321 South Main Street,
Erie, Kansas 66733,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00 pm
Phone: (620) 244-5485
- Fort Scott
~ Elks #579,
111 W 19th St,
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701-3110,
USA. Game play: 1st Tue-6:30
Phone: (620) 223-5821
- Galena
~ Elks #677,
7th & Joplin,
Galena, Kansas 66739-0295,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (620) 783-9883
- Garden City
~ American Legion #9, 405 S. Main St., Garden City, KS 67846, USA. Phone: 620-290-0369, Playtime: Saturday 5:30
[Submitted/updated February 2020 ]
~ Eagles #3124,
2603 N Taylor,
Garden City, Kansas 67846-0441,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (620) 276-7361
~ Elks #1404,
905 Kansas Plaza,
Garden City, Kansas 67846-5861,
USA. Game play: Mon & Thu-7:00
Phone: (620) 276-3732
~ Knights of Columbus,
205 N 8th Street,
Garden City, Kansas 67846,
USA. Game play: Thu & Sun-7:00
Phone: (620) 276-8031
~ Moose Lodge #893,
2901 W Mary St,
Garden City, Kansas 67846,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (316) 276-7019
~ VFW #2279,
1101 W Mary Street,
Garden City, Kansas 67846,
USA. Game play: Tue & Fri-7:00
Phone: (620) 275-1825
- Goodland
~ Elks #1528,
1523 Arcade St,
Goodland, Kansas 67735-3431,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (785) 899-6251
- Great Bend
~ American Legion # 180,
1011 Kansas St,
Great Bend, Kansas 67530-0721,
USA. Game play: Tue & Thu-7:30
Phone: (620) 793-5912
~ Argonne Rebels Bingo,
1123 Main,
Great Bend, Kansas 67530,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:15 pm Sun-1:45 pm
Phone: (620) 793-9970
~ VFW # 3111,
504 Washington Street,
Great Bend, Kansas 67530-5441,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:30 pm Sun-7:00 pm
Phone: (620) 792-2754
- Grinnell
~ VFW #2864,
93 Oak Street,
Grinnell, Kansas 67738-0214,
USA. Game play: Thu- 7:30 pm
Phone: (785) 824-3225
- Hanover
~ American Legion,
Railroad Street,
Hanover, Kansas 66945-0216,
USA. Game play: Sun-7:00
Phone: (785) 337-2464
- Harper
~ American Legion,
East Main Street, Harper, Kansas,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:30
Phone: (620) 896-7350
- Hays
~ American Legion #173,
13th & Canterbury Road,
Hays, Kansas 67601,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:30
Phone: (785) 625-3813
~ Knights of Columbus #10211,
503 Main Street,
Hays, Kansas 67601,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (785) 735-2611
~ Lucky Bucks Bingo,
4340 N Vine St,
Hays, Kansas 67601-9484,
USA. Game play: Mon-Thu-Sat-7:00
Phone: (785) 625-7182
~ VFW #9076,
2124 Vine,
Hays, Kansas 67601-2854,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (785) 625-9940
- Haysville
~ Bingo Royale, 420 /e. grand, Haysville, Ks 60706, Sedgwick, USA. Phone: 316-529-3522, Hotline: 316-461-7259, Email: ps23kennedy@att.net, Contact name: Pat Kennedy, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Wed, Fri, Sun open at 4:00 minis 6:00 reg. session 7:00 to 9:00
Remarks: Concession stand. Come for the food stay for BINGO.
[Submitted September 2004, updated May 2011.]
~ River City Bingo,
124 Stewart Ave,
Haysville, Kansas 67060-1602,
USA. Game play: Sun & Fri-7:00
Phone: (316) 554-9946
- Hiawatha
~ Elks #1741,
South 7th St,
Hiawatha, Kansas 66434-0375,
USA. Game play: Sun- 6:30 pm
Phone: (785) 742-3115
- Horton
~ Golden Eagle Casino,
1121 Goldfinch Road,
Horton, Kansas,
USA. Game play: Wen-12:00, Thur thru Sat-5:00 Sun- 12:00 & 5:00
(888) 464-5825
- Hutchinson
~ Bingo Bingo,
1303 N Main St,
Hutchinson, Kansas 67502-2623,
USA. Game play: Mon-Thu-Sat-6:30
Phone: (620) 665-8030
~ Eagles #2550,
100 W 6th St,
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501-4608,
USA. Game play: Mon & Wed & Sat-6:30
Phone: (620) 662-6731
~ Friendly Bingo, 106 w 1st, Hutchinson, KS 67501, USA. Phone: 6206626221, Playtime: Thursday, Friday and Saturday minis start at 6:15 Session at 7:00, Sunday minis 5:15 session 6:00
Remarks: Biggest money games in Kansas August 27th 2022 guaranteed $12,500 payouts. $89 buy in
[Submitted July 2022 ]
~ Moose #982,
1401 E First,
Hutchinson, Kansas 67504-0476,
USA. Game play: Tue-12:30pm Thu-12:00pm
Phone: (620) 663-4281
~ Yoda's Bingo, 115 East Sherman, Hutchinson, Kansas 67501, USA. Phone: 620-669-3502, Email: admin@yodasyouthcenter.com, Contact name: Bill, Website: yodasyouthcenter.com, Playtime: Mondays 6:30pm, Late nite Friday 10:00pm
[Submitted January 2007 ]
- Independence
~ VFW # 1186,
113 E Myrtle,
Independence, Kansas 67301-0535,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:45
Phone: (620) 331-6010
- Iola
~ American Legion #15,
712 Patterson Ave,
Iola, Kansas 66749-0301,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-7:00 pm Sun- 6:00 pm
Phone: (620) 365-5541
- Junction City
~ American Legion Post #45, 201 E 4th Street, Junction City, Kansas 66441, USA. Phone: (785) 238-2432 (or 785 239 2432), Playtime: Wednesday Thursday 6:30 pm, Sunday 2 pm
[Submitted June 2023 ]
~ Eagles,
203 E 10th St,
Junction City, Kansas 66441-0292,
USA. Game play: Tue-Fri & Sat-7:00
Phone: (785) 238-3831
~ Knights of Columbus 1029, 126 W. 7th. Street, Junction City, Kansas 66441, USA. Phone: 785-806-2445, Email: fhouser2@centurylink.net, Contact name: Fred, Disabled facilities: main entrance and bathrooms, Playtime: Monday 7:pm
Remarks: Play on Mondays doors open at 5pm bingo starts at 7pm
[Submitted May 2016 ]
~ VFW Post 1594, 114 Flinthills Blvd, Junction City, Kansas 66441, USA. Phone: 785-238-4221, Playtime: Friday and Sunday 7:00 pm
Remarks: doors open at 5:00 pm 1200.00 given away each night with 2 progressives growing to 1000.00 each. consolation on progressives is 100.00
[Submitted August 2005 ]
- Kanorado
~ Senior Center,
212 Main Street,
Kanorado, Kansas 67741,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (785) 399-2348
- Kansas City
~ American Legion,
957 Osage,
Kansas City, Kansas 66105-1847,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
(913) 621-2270
~ Bingo Alley,
2848 W 47th Ave,
Kansas City, Kansas 66103-3243,
USA. Game play: Wed-11:30am Sat & Sun-6:00
(913) 432-8010
~ Blessed Sacrament,
2203 Parallel,
Kansas City, Kansas 66104-4705,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
(913) 321-1958
~ DAV,
8040 Parallel Parkway,
Kansas City, Kansas 66112-0558,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
(913) 299-5618
~ Eagles #87, P.O. Box 12604, 1969 N. 63rd Drive, Kansas City, KS 66102, USA. Phone: (913) 334-4995, Playtime: Thursday early bird 6:30 p.m. regular bingo at 7:00 p.m., Sunday early bird 4:30 p.m. regular bingo at 5:00 p.m.
[Submitted July 2010 ]
- Kensington
~ American Legion #166,
114 S Main St,
Kensington, Kansas 66951-0067,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00 pm
Phone: (785) 476-3204
- Kinsley
~ VFW #7349,
West Hwy 56, Kinsley, Kansas,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:30
Phone: (620) 659-3311
- Kiowa
~ Knights of Columbus,
1218 Main Street,
Kiowa, Kansas 67070,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (620) 825-4378
* A-K . L-Z
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