MO Missouri bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
A-E .
F-L .
M-R .
* S-Z
Bingo Halls (In the Missouri bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Saint Charles
~ American Legion,
2500 Raymond Drive,
Saint Charles, Missouri 63301-4842,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:30
Phone: (636) 947-7666
~ St Robert Bellarmine Church,
1424 First Capitol Drive South,
Saint Charles, Missouri 63303-3702,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:30
Phone: (636) 946-6799
~ VFW 2866, 66 VFW Lane, St Charles, Mo 63303, USA. Phone: 636 724 9612, Disabled facilities: yes, Playtime: Thursday 6:30 doors open 3:30
[Submitted August 2011 ]
- Saint Clair
~ Elks,
35 E North St,
Saint Clair, Missouri 63077-1458,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (314) 629-9953
- Saint Genevieve
~ St Genevieve Golden Age Club,
727 Parkwood Drive,
Sainte Genevieve, Missouri 63670-1818,
USA. Game play: Tue-12:45
Phone: (573) 883-3077
- Saint Joseph
~ American Legion,
4826 Fredrick Blvd,
Saint Joseph, Missouri 64502-0607,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (816) 232-2335
~ St Joseph Firefighers,
4314 S 40th Street,
Saint Joseph, Missouri 64503-4153,
USA. Game play: Mon-Sat-Sun-7:00 pm Thu-6:30 pm
Phone: (816) 232-9165
- Saint Louis
~ Bandwagon Bingo Hall, 2151 Lemay Ferry Road (at Reavis Barracks), Saint Louis, MO 63125, USA. Phone: 314-200-8359, Playtime: Wednesday-6:30, Thursday-6:30, Friday-6:30, Saturday-5:30, Sunday-5:30
[Submitted April 2006, updated March 2022.]
~ Gardenville South Bingo Hall, 2908 Telegraph Rd, St Louis, Missouri, MO 63125, USA. Playtime: Mon 6:45pm Wed 6:45pm Thurs 6:45pm Fri 11:00am Fri 6:45pm Sat 6:30pm Sun 5:30pm, Phone: (314) 894-3040, Fax: (314) 894-4818, Email:, Contact name: Barb Ditz,
Remarks: We have the largest bingo hall in the state. With electronic and paper choice.
[Submitted February 2003 ]
~ St. Michael's Friday Night Bingo, 7622 Lansdowne (gymnasium), St. Louis, MO 63119, USA. Phone: 314-645-9447, Contact name: Margie Morrissey, Website:, Disabled facilities: accessible entrance, parking, toilets, Playtime: 1st and 3rd Fridays each month 6:20pm
Remarks: We now play twice a month instead of each Friday. 1st and 3rd Fridays. Doors open at 4pm and first game starts at 6:20pm.
[Submitted April 2010, updated June 2012.]
~ St Simon Church,
11011 Mueller Rd,
Saint Louis, Missouri 63123-6942,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:15
Phone: (314) 842-3848
~ VFW,
6327 Lemay Ferry Rd,
Saint Louis, Missouri 63129-2807,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30
Phone: (314) 416-8877
~ VFW,
10815 Midland Blvd,
Saint Louis, Missouri 63114-1841,
USA. Game play: Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri-6:45
Phone: (314) 427-2744
- Sainte Genevieve
~ St Genevieve Golden Age Club,
727 Parkwood Drive,
Sainte Genevieve, Missouri 63670-1818,
USA. Game play: Tue-12:45
Phone: (573) 883-3077
- Salem
~ American Legion,
Highway 32 West,
Salem, Missouri 65560-0208,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (573) 729-3710
~ Eagles,
Hwy 32,
Salem, Missouri 65560-0084,
USA. Game play: Sun-1:30 pm
Phone: (573) 729-6219
- Scott City
~ Knights of Columbus,
Highway 61,
Scott City, Missouri 63780-9722,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (573) 264-3008
- Sedalia
~ Elks,
320 S Kentucky,
Sedalia, Missouri 65301-4251,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30
Phone: (660) 826-5391
~ Knights of Columbus,
1708 Elm Hills Blvd,
Sedalia, Missouri 65301-8526,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (660) 826-0930
~ Moose,
119 Duke Rd,
Sedalia, Missouri 65302-0048,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:30
Phone: (660) 826-6631
~ Sedalia Shrine Club,
Rt 7 Elm Hills Blvd,
Sedalia, Missouri 65301-8557,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:30
Phone: (660) 826-1551
~ VFW, 121 S Ohio Street, Sedalia, Missouri, 65301-3832, USA. Phone: 660 826-4546, Playtime: Wed-6:30
[Submitted April 2012 ]
- Seneca
~ Border Town Bingo,
127 W Oneida St.,
Seneca, Missouri 64865,
USA. Game play: Mon-Fri 6 pm-2 am Sat 3pm-2 am Sun 1pm-2 am
Phone: (800) 957-2435
- Shelbina
~ American Legion,
Business Route 36,
Shelbina, Missouri 63468-1325,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (573) 588-4292
- Shell Knob
~ Eagles,
Hwy 39 N,
Shell Knob, Missouri 65747-0299,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:20
Phone: (417) 858-6704
~ Lions Shell Knob Bingo, S. Hwy 39, Shell Knob, Missouri 65747, USA. Phone: 417-858-6238, Hotline: 417-858-2170, Contact name: Debra York, Playtime: Thursday - 6:30 PM - Early Bird at 6:15
[Submitted January 2008 ]
- Sikeston
~ American Legion,
333 S Kings Hwy,
Sikeston, Missouri 63801-0301,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-6:30
Phone: (573) 471-9956
~ Eagles,
219 W Trotter St,
Sikeston, Missouri 63801-2857,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:00
Phone: (573) 471-6133
~ Elks,
349 Dona Street,
Sikeston, Missouri 63801-0931,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:15
Phone: (573) 471-3333
~ VFW,
709 Smith St,
Sikeston, Missouri 63801-5251,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:30
Phone: (573) 471-7575
- Slater
~ American Legion,
720 Heiler St,
Slater, Missouri 65349-1628,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:00
Phone: (660) 529-9986
- Springfield
~ Planned Parenthood Bingo,
2032 W Bennett Rd,
Springfield, Missouri 65807-1221,
USA. Game play: Mon-Wed-Fri-6:30 Sun-6:00
Phone: (417) 865-8331
~ Sertoma Club,
318 S Campbell Ave,
Springfield, Missouri 65806-2050,
USA. Game play: Tue-Wed-Thu-6:30
Phone: (417) 863-1015
~ VFW,
1136 E Atlantic St,
Springfield, Missouri 65803-3225,
USA. Game play: Sat-5:30
Phone: (417) 865-6929
- Stockton
~ VFW,
West Highway 32, Stockton, Missouri,
USA. Game play: Sat-6:30
Phone: (417) 276-3249
- Sugar Creek
~ American Legion,
545 S Carlisle Drive,
Sugar Creek, Missouri 64054-1644,
USA. Game play: Mon & Sat-7:00
Phone: (816) 461-8121
- Sullivan
~ Eagles,
1000 Acid Mine Rd,
Sullivan, Missouri 63080-2665,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:30
Phone: (573) 468-6900
~ Knights of Columbus,
231 S Highway 185,
Sullivan, Missouri 63080-1324,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:30
Phone: (573) 860-2458
~ VFW,
378 S Hwy 185,
Sullivan, Missouri 63080-0546,
USA. Game play: Sun-4:45
Phone: (573) 468-6321
- Sunrise Beach
~ American Legion,
Lake Road 5-33,
Sunrise Beach, Missouri 65079-0061,
USA. Game play: Thu-5:45 Sat-1:00
Phone: (573) 374-6091
~ Lions Club,
Lake Road 5-29,
Sunrise Beach, Missouri 65079-0319,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:00
Phone: (573) 374-4211
- Thayer
~ Eagles 4231,
1478 Nettleton Ave,
Thayer, Missouri 65791,
USA. Game play: Mon & Wed-6:00
Phone: (417) 264-7181
~ Elks Lodge #2545, 111 Polk St., Thayer, Missouri 65775, USA. Phone: (417) 264-7070, Email:, Playtime: Wednesday 6:30 pm
Website: Elks 2545 main page, Bingo page
[Submitted July 2004 ]
- Tipton
~ Knights of Columbus 1360,
Tipton, Missouri 65081,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (660) 433-2820
- Trenton
~ Elks,
1012 Tinsman Ave,
Trenton, Missouri 64683-1841,
USA. Game play: Sun-12:00pm
Phone: (660) 359-6280
~ Senior Center, 2901 Hoover Dr., Trenton, MO 64683, USA. Phone: (660) 359-3058, Playtime: Thursday 6:00 p.m.
[Submitted January 2005 ]
- Union
~ American Legion,
205 N Washington,
Union, Missouri 63084-1677,
USA. Game play: 1st & 5th Fri-6:30
Phone: (636) 583-5825
- Warrensburg
~ American Legion,
Business Rt 50 E,
Warrensburg, Missouri 64093-0091,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00
Phone: (660) 747-5957
- Warrenton
~ American Legion 122,
Warrenton, Missouri 63383,
~ Elks,
1101 East Old Hwy 40,
Warrenton, Missouri 63383-1311,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:45
Phone: (636) 456-2662
~ Knights of Columbus,
700 South Street,
Warrenton, Missouri 63383-2249,
USA. Game play: Sun-1:15
Phone: (636) 456-4552
- Warsaw
~ American Legion,
65 Wildcat,
Warsaw, Missouri 65355-0261,
USA. Game play: Sun and Wed 6 00
Phone: (660) 438-6925
~ American Legion,
Wallcat Drive,
Warsaw, Missouri 65355-0361,
USA. Game play: Wed & Sun-7:00
Phone: (660) 438-6928
~ Knights of Columbus,
Old 65 Highway,
Warsaw, Missouri 65355-0111,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:00
Phone: (660) 438-6625
- Washington
~ American Legion,
1007 E 3rd St,
Washington, Missouri 63090-3203,
USA. Game play: Sat-6:30 pm
Phone: (636) 239-4363
~ VFW,
813 S Jefferson St,
Washington, Missouri 63090-0115,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:30
Phone: (636) 239-6311
- Waynesville
~ American Legion,
North Outer Road East,
Waynesville, Missouri 65583-0506,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 Sat-2:00
Phone: (573) 336-4653
~ DAV 49 (Disabled American Veterans Chapt 49), 20190 Buffer Lane (P.O. Box 37), Waynesville, Missouri 65583, USA. Playtime: Sundays early bird at 1 pm, Phone: +1-573-774-2770, Fax: +1-573-774-3922, Email:, Contact name: Jim Harker/Erlene Cunningham
Remarks: Service Officer on duty 0900 to 1630 Wed and Sun for claims assistance.
[Submitted March 2003, updated January 2009.]
- Webb City
~ American Legion,
1000 North Main Street,
Webb City, Missouri 64870-1100,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (417) 673-1474
~ VFW,
1002 N Main St,
Webb City, Missouri 64870-1100,
USA. Game play: Sat- 6:30 pm
Phone: (417) 673-3181
- Wentzville
~ American Legion Post 323, 504 Highway 40-61, Wentzville, Missouri 63385, USA. Phone: 636 327 6060, Playtime: Friday 7:00 P.M.
[Submitted October 2007 ]
~ Wentzville Community Center,
500 S Main ST,
Wentzville, Missouri 63385-1825,
USA. Game play: Sat-6:00 pm
Phone: (636) 327-6358
- West Plains
~ Elks Lodge,
3336 N US Hwy 63,
West Plains, Missouri 65775-0045,
USA. Game play: Sun-12:00pm
Phone: (417) 256-7955
~ VFW Post 1828, 6402 US Highway 63N, West Plains, Missouri 65775, USA. Phone: (417) 256-3318, Email:, URL:, Playtime: Monday 6:30 pm
Remarks: Smoking and Non-Smoking areas
[Submitted November 2003 ]
- Winfield
~ Winfield-Foley Firefighters Association, #5 Winfield Plaza, Winfield, Missouri 63389, USA. Phone: 636-566-8406, Fax: 636-668-8123, Email:, Contact name: Chris Azar, Playtime: Every Wednesday 6:45 p.m.
Remarks: Located next to the Winfield IGA. 1/2 Mile West of Hwy 79 on Hwy 47. Also has 2 progressive games, one progressive is Hot Ball starting at $1000.00.
[Submitted October 2008 ]
- Woodson Terrace
~ TWC Bingo (previously Kol Am Bingo), 4349 Woodson Rd. REAR, Woodson Terrace, MO 63134, USA. Phone: 314-645-3434, Email:, Playtime: Sunday 5:30 p.m.
Remarks: Initially listed as Epilespsy Foundation Conference in St. Louis, and the most recent affiliated organization was Kol Am. Now it is TWC (Together We Can, of St. Louis).
[Submitted June 2011 ]
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