WI Wisconsin bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
* A-C . D-J . K-M . N-R . S-Z
Bingo Halls (In the Wisconsin bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Appleton
~ Holy Angels Parish,
W5831 County Road KK, Appleton, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Mon 7:00. Phone: (920) 733-6214
- Ashland
~ Our Lady of the Lake Church,
201 Lakeshore Drive East, Ashland, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Tue 7:00. Phone: (715) 682-7620
- Barneveld
~ American Legion #433,
101 Wood Street, Barneveld, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: 1st and 3rd Sun 1:15. Phone: (608) 924-8781
- Bayfield
~ Isle Vista Casino,
Highway 13, Bayfield, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Thu and Sat 6:00pm Sun 12:00. Phone: (715) 779-3712
- Beaver Dam
~ American Legion,
200 West Street, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: 1st and 3rd Sun 7:00. Phone: (920) 887-7777
~ Elks,
126 S Spring St, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Thu 7:00 1st and 3rd Thu 7:00. Phone: (920) 887-2125
- Black River Falls
~ Majestic Pines Bingo,
Hwy 54 East, Black River Falls, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Mon Tue Thu Fri Sat 6:30 Sun 12:30. Phone: (715) 284-2721
- Bloomer
~ Moose #1077,
1890 9th Ave, Bloomer, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Phone: (715) 568-1304
- Bowler
~ Mohican North Star Casino,
W 12180 County Road A, Bowler, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Mon and Tue 12:30 Wed Thu and Fri 6:30. Phone: (715) 793-4090
- Brookfield
~ St Luke Congregation,
18000 W Greenfield Ave, Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: 1st 3rd-5th Sun 6:00 2nd 4th and 5th Fri 7:30. Phone: (262) 782-0032
- Chetek
~ Red's Eating & Drinking Est., 121 Lakeview Drive, Chetek, WI 54728, USA. Phone: 715-924-3100, Fax: 715-925-3100, Email: info@redschetekwi.com, Contact name: Red, Website: www.redschetekwi.com, Disabled facilities: YES Ground level, Playtime: Thursday 6:30PM
[Submitted October 2010 ]
- Chippewa Falls
~ Eagles,
2588 US Hwy 53, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Wed 7:30. Phone: (715) 723-0172
~ Knights of Columbus,
236 Pumphouse, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Fri 7:30. Phone: (715) 726-2002
- Columbus
~ St. Jerome Parish, 1550 Farnham Street, Columbus, WI 53925, USA. Phone: 920 623-3753, Hotline: 920 350 2470, Email: columbussjp@straphael.org, Website: http://www.sjcolumbus.org/parish/, Disabled facilities: Barrier free entry, no handicap restrooms, Playtime: Saturdays 6pm
Remarks: Dates of bingo are 8/8, 9/19, 10/10, 11/21, 12/12 2015, 1/9, 2/13, and 3/12 2016. We play 20 games each night. 2 sets of 10 games each. 10 game packs are sold for $10.00. Mass is held at 4:30 Bingo doors open at 5 with bingo starting at 6pm. Food soft drinks and beer are available.
[Submitted January 2015, updated July 2015.]
- Crandon
~ Mole Lake Bingo,
Highway 55, Crandon, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Mon Tue Fri Sat 7:00 Sun 1:30. Phone: (715) 478-7514
- Cudahy
~ Holy Family Congregation,
3776 E Hammond Ave, Cudahy, Wisconsin, USA. Game play: Sun 1:00pm. Phone: (414) 744-6892
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* A-C . D-J . K-M . N-R . S-Z
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