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Greyhound Dog Racing glossary
Greyhound dog racing terms, meaning of words A to E: Terminology, Jargon, Slang, Vocabulary.

Note: Different countries may use different terms for how to bet and also for the type of bets.

A to E . F to O . P to Z

Accumulator - (Also, Parlay) A multiple bet. A kind of 'let-it-ride' bet. Making simultaneous selections on two or more races with the intent of pressing the winnings of the first win on the bet of the following race selected, and so on. All the selections made must win for you to win the accumulator.
Across The Board - You make three individual bets on one dog to Win, Place, and Show. If your selection wins, you collect on all three bets. If your selection runs second, you collect on Place and Show bets. If your selection runs third, you collect the Show bet. Your total wager will be three times the individual bet. For example; a $2 'Across The Board' bet would cost $6.
Advance wagering - Wagers that are accepted on a race on a future performance.
AGC - American Greyhound Council, Inc.
AGTOA - American Greyhound Track Operators Association.
Ajax - UK slang term for 'Betting Tax'.
All-America Team - The eight top racing greyhounds selected each year by AGTOA.
Ante Post - (Also, Futures) Bets placed in advance predicting the outcome of a future event. Ante-post prices are those on major sporting events, usually prior to the day of the event itself. In return for the chance of better odds, punters risk the fact that stakes are not returned if their selection pulls out or is cancelled.
Apron - An area located next to the racetrack where patrons may watch greyhound racing up close. A fence line separates the apron from the actual racing surface.
Arbitrage - Where a variation in odds available allows a punter to back both sides and guarantee a win.
ARCI - Association of Racing Commissioners International, Inc., based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Backstretch - The area of the racetrack opposite the finish line. At most tracks, it is the area that crosses in front of the Tote board.
Banker (Also, Key) - Highly expected to win. The strongest in a multiple selection in a parlay or accumulator. In permutation bets the banker is a selection that must win to guarantee any returns.
Bar Price - Refers to the odds of those runners in a race not quoted with a price during early betting shows. The bar price is the minimum odds for any of those selections not quoted.
Beard (US) - A contact (friend or acquaintance) who places bets for a bettor who wants to hide their identity from sportbooks or bookmakers.
Beeswax - UK slang term for betting tax. Also known as 'Bees' or 'Ajax'.
Bertillon Card - A greyhound's identification card that lists 56 physical identifying points for every registered racing greyhound. The greyhound's Bertillon number is tattooed in its ear.
Betting Tax - Tax on a Bookmaker's turnover. In the UK this is a 'Duty' levied on every Pound wagered. Common methods of recouping this by the punter are to deduct tax from returns (winnings) or to pay tax with the stake/wager. In the latter case, no tax is deducted from the punter's winnings.
Bettor (US) - Someone who places or has a bet. A 'Punter' in the UK.
Blanket - A covering for a greyhound bearing a number and color corresponding to post position. There are nine officially numbered blankets used in greyhound racing; Mile High uses eight in each race.
Book - A bookmaker's tally of amounts bet on each competitor, and odds necessary to assure him of profit.
Bookie - (U.K.) Short for bookmaker. The person or shop who accepts bets.
Bookmaker - Person who is licensed to accept bets on the result of an event based on their provision of odds to the customer. (Sportsbook US).
Bore in - When reading the comments beside the dogs’ names in the program, if a greyhound "bore in" it means that it veered suddenly over to the inside of the track, possibly in front of the other dogs and also possibly causing an accident.
Bottle - UK slang, odds of 2 to 1.
Breeder - The individual who is the owner or lessee of his or her dam at the time of whelping.
Bridge-Jumper (US) - Bettor who specializes in large show bets on odd-on favourites.
Buck (US) - A bet of US$ 100 (also known as a 'dollar bet').
Buy Price - In Spread or Index betting, the higher figure quoted by an Index bookmaker.
Buy the Rack (US) - Purchase every possible daily-double or other combination ticket.

Calls - The position of each greyhound at specific points around the track during a race.
Canadian - Also known as a Super Yankee. A Canadian is a combination bet consisting of 26 bets with 5 selections in different events. The combination bet is made up of 10 doubles, 10 trebles, five 4-folds and one 5-fold.
Career Record - A series of five numbers indicating, in order, a greyhound's total number of starts, followed by first place, second place, third place, and fourth place finishes. Often preceded by an abbreviation showing the track at which the starts were recorded. (Form)
Carpet - UK slang for Odds of 3 to 1 (also known as 'Tres' or 'Gimmel').
Cart - The motor that runs around the racetrack with the lure. Also called lure motor.
Chart - A record of each race showing finish, calls, odds and comments describing each racer's performance; useful to handicappers studying a greyhound's past performance.
Chartwriter - A person who compiles records of each race and writes comments describing each greyhound's performance during a race.
Class - See 'Grade'.
Close (US) - Final odds on a dog (e.g. 'closed at 5 to 1'). Confusingly equates to 'Starting Price' in the UK.
Combination Bet - Combinations cover from two to four greyhounds to win in chosen order.
Commerce Course - See 'Middle Distance'.
Compound - An area where the racing association houses racing greyhounds.
Cool-Out Area - An area where racing greyhounds cool down following a race. At most tracks water is provided as well as ample room to walk around.
Course - Designates the distance of a race. The most common distances are 5/16, 3/8 and 7/16 mile courses.
Crow's Nest - The area where the announcer, judges and others watch the races from a high vantage point.

Daily Double - Similar to an accumulator you select the winners of the first and second races. You must place your bet before the start of the first race.
Dam - The mother of a greyhound.
Dead Heat - An exact tie between two or more greyhounds in a race. The greyhound's nose determines the winner in the photo finish.
Doubleheader - Two racing performances during one day.
Dual Forecast - A tote bet operating in races of 3 or more declared runners in which the punter has to pick the first two to finish in either order.
Draw - A random process by which each greyhound's starting position is determined.

Ear Tattoos - A greyhound's right ear tattoo represents the month, year and tattoo order of your dogs litter. The last number before the letter is his year of birth, the first one or two numbers is his month of birth. The letter represents the order in which the litter was tattooed (It does not mean the order of birth).
Entry - A dog entered in a race.
Entries - A listing of all dogs entered in a race, often including additional information and statistics on each dog (like programs or racecards, but usually with slightly less data).
Escape Turn - The first turn of the racetrack after the front stretch.
Exacta - See 'Perfecta'.

A to E . F to O . P to Z

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