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The Labouchere System
The Labouchere system: (Money management betting systems, gambling systems.)

Negative progression system, also called the 'Cancellation System'.

(See also "The Labouchere System in Reverse" below)

This system is also called the 'Cancellation' system. There are many variations. In its simplest form, you write down a series or a set of numbers; say, 1 2 3 4 5 6. The series can be short or long and not necessarily sequential such as 1 1 1 3 3 5 7. The choice of a particular series depends on the type of game you want to apply it to and the odds of the bet.

Each number represents the amount in units or chips to bet. You bet the first and last of these numbers. In this example 1 and 6, which totals 7 units.

If you win, you cross out the two numbers and bet the next two 'ends' (the outside numbers). In this instance 2 and 5. If you win again you bet on the next two remaining numbers 3 and 4, and if you win that too, you would have made a 'coup' or completed one game. Then you start all over again.

If you lose, then you add that one number to the end of the series. Say you lost your first bet of 7 units (1+ 6). Then you add number 7 to the end of the series to look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and your next bet would be 8 units (1+ 7). If you won the first bet but lost the second 2 and 5, then the series of numbers would look like this: 2 3 4 5 7.

If you work it out, you will see that when the series is completed or when you make a 'coup', there is always a profit. The negative side of this system is that you could end up betting large sums of money even if your initial bet is small.

The Labouchere System in Reverse: (Submitted by a visitor)

Add winnings to the sequence instead of losses. If you win, add one number (the winning units) to the end of the series. If you lose, delete two outside numbers. Put an appropriate target of, say, 20 units profit for 'even money' bets (less for higher odds), and when reached begin another sequence. Sequence commencement is 1,2,3,4 so you risk only 10 units per sequence.

The Labouchere System in Reverse is a positive progression betting system.

The Winner's Edge System - A variant of the Labouchere System in Reverse: (Submitted by a visitor)

(Note: The description of the system is reproduced below the exact way it was submitted, word for word. The idea behind this system seems to make a lot of sense. However, the betting procedure and the amounts involved are not clear. If anyone can help in clarifying this, it will be greatly appreciated.)

"This is one invited by a Canadian many years ago. It is like the Cancellation System above with this variation: When winning, ( add the first and last number in the sequence ), the first time, and then 3 numbers until you lose. If you lose, add that to the end of the sequence and bet only the first(only one) number not crossed off. If you lose again, go to betting the unit bet, to preserve capital. I have found one needs about 40 times the first number in the sequence when starting as a bankroll , with the initial numbers being about 40-20-20-20 % (ie $50. sequence would be written: $20-10-10-10.)Your bankroll taken to the table will be $1000.00.This means, I've found that you only have to win 30% of the time to be successful! I have used this very successfully in the casinos, to the point that I was asked to leave the table several times, as the casinos dont want consistent winners. It scares them. This system requires nerve, fearlessness and an appropriate bank roll. WHen playing Baccarrat, I was winning $4000. an hour , but again, don't back off pushing the money out, or you will lose. The system really forces one to bet large when winning and small when losing, which is exactly the opposite of what most people do- and what the casino expects.YOu also need high enough table limits . It can be used playing blackjack, baccarrat or roulette, but is best for blackjack. Make sure you get their OK to write the bets down before you start, and tell them you are not counting cards."

* Negative progression betting systems: You increase the bet when you lose. Require more capital and usually employed to force a winning outcome following a losing streak. (Nerve-wracking, very painful when you lose. Avoid these systems if you can.)

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