Mozambican land-based gambling casinos: Listed by City/Province
Mozambique, Africa land casinos listed by area: (In the Mozambique casino listings, gaming times, type of games, minimum bets, promotions, services, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change.)
Maputo - There is 1 listed land-based gambling casino in Maputo.
Casino Polana,
Av. Da Marginal No. 5289, Bairro de Sommerschield, C.P. No. 672, Maputo, Mozambique. Tel: 00 258 21 241 200, Fax: 00 258 21 241 235, Email:, Website:
Location: Previously located in the majestic and world-renown Polana Hotel, the Polana Casino was moved into its own building in 2006, located on Avenida Marginal, right in front of the beautiful Bay of Maputo.
Minimum Gaming Age: 18
Registration: Required if you wish to become a member of Clube Polana D’Ouro
Entrance Fee: Purchase of single entrance ticket, valid for 1 day, 50 MTS entrance charge
ID/Passport: No ID is required but Casino Polana may request it if person looks under 18
Dress Code: Smart/Casual
Opening Times: Slots and auto roulette from 12 noon to 2am, weekends till 4am, table games from 8pm
Gaming Currency: MTS
Language: English & French
Games to play: 130 Jackpot Slots/Video Machines, Automatic Roulette; Live table games: 2 Roulette, 2 Blackjack
Facilities: Restaurant, Bar, Entertainment, Shuttle service
Remarks: Casino Polana offers shuttle transfer service between designated hotels all over Maputo City. All vans are identified with Polana Casino logo, have air conditioning, security and pleasant music, so you may have a comfortable and enjoyable ride. Tel: 84 707 7777
[May 2011 last update]
Namaacha - There is 1 listed land-based gambling casino in Namaacha.
Sol Libombos Hotel Casino (Casino located within the Hotel), PO Box 1, Namaacha, Maputo Province, Mozambique. Casino phone: +258 1 960 105, Fax: +258 1 960 099
Awaiting update information
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