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Land Casinos New York, USA
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American Land-based Casinos.New York, NY, United States of America, North America land casinos listed by area: (In the New York casino listings, gaming times, type of games, minimum bets, promotions, services, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change.)

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Akwesasne - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Akwesasne.
Mohawk Bingo Palace, 412 Route 37, (PO Box 8A), Akwesasne, New York 13655, USA. Phone: (518) 358-2246, Toll Free: (800) 836-7470, Fax: (518) 358-2249, Website:
Gaming time: 24 hours daily, bingo: Sat 1 pm and 7 pm, Sun 7 pm, Wed/Fri 6:30pm; Mon/Thu no bingo
Games to play: Slot machines (285); Bingo (1,014 seats); Electronic Bingo (60 seats); Video Pull Tabs (257 machines)
Facilities: Snack Bar

Brooklyn - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Brooklyn.
Casino New York, Cruise Ship, 3202 Emmons Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11235-1106, USA. Phone: (718) 368-7200, Fax: (718) 368-2434, Website:
Departures: Daily 10am, 2:30pm, 7:30pm
Gaming time: Daily
Games to play: Slots machines (200); Blackjack (15 tables) $5.00 to $500.00 bets, Craps $5.00 to $200.00 bets, Let it Ride, Mini-Baccarat, Poker (5 tables) $5.00 to $200.00 bets, Roulette $5.00 to $200.00 bets
Restaurant/Bars: Junkanoo Grill (Grill), Tropic Zone Dining Room (American)

Freeport - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Freeport.
Midnight Gambler II, Cruise Ship, Freeport Casino Cruises, 361 Woodcleft Avenue Freeport, New York 11520-6339, USA. Phone: (516) 377-7400, Fax: (516) 377-9073
Games to play: Slots machines (250); Blackjack, Caribbean Stud Poker, Craps, Let it Ride, Roulette

Hogansburg - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Hogansburg.
Akwesasne Mohawk Casino, Route 37, (PO Box 670), Hogansburg, New York 13655, USA. Phone: (518) 358-2222, Toll Free: (888) 622-1155, Fax: (518) 358-9722, Website:
Gaming time: 24 hours daily
Games to play: Slot machines (288); Baccarat, Blackjack (27 tables), Caribbean Stud Poker (4 tables), Craps (3 tables), Let it Ride (4 tables), Mini-Baccarat, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo Hold'em, Omaha Hold'em, Pai Gow Poker (2 tables), Roulette (4 tables), Seven Card Stud Poker, Texas Hold'em, Five-Card Stud; MidiBac (1 machine), Video Poker, Video Slots
Casino Currency: Dual currency chips (American/Canadian); Casino Credit
Restaurants/Bars: Native Harvest Buffet (Buffet Style) - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner; Steel Deck Deli (Delicatessen); The Cabaret (Cabaret); The Snack Bar (Snack Bar)
Facilities: ATM available, Complimentary Drinks, Convention and meeting space, Currency Exchange, Free Parking, Free Valet Parking, Gift Shop (Gift Shop Hours: 9am to 12am), Handicap Access, Headline Entertainment/Major Acts, Lounge, Multilingual Staff, Non-Smoking Sections, RV Parking, Showroom, Transportation, Valet Parking

Irving - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Irving.
Seneca Gaming and Entertainment, 11099 Route 5, Irving, New York 14081-9566, USA. Phone: (716) 549-4389, Toll Free: (800) 421-2464, Business Office: (716) 945-1790, Fax: (716) 549-4652
Gaming time: Daily 9:30am-1:30am
Games to play: Slot machines (600); Poker (4 tables), Bingo (900 seats), High Stakes Bingo

Mineola - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Mineola.
Odessa America Cruise Co., Cruise Ship, 170 Old Country Road, Suite 608, Mineola, New York 11501-4321, USA. Toll Free: (800) 221-3254, Fax: (516) 676-4820, Website:

New York - There are 18 listed land-based gambling casinos in New York.

  • Bolero, Cruise Ship, First European Cruises, 92 Madison Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10016-7801, USA. Phone: (212) 779-7168, Toll Free: (888) 983-8767, Fax: (212) 779-0948, Website:
    Games to play: Blackjack, Roulette
  • European Stars, Cruise Ship, First European Cruises, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10016-7801, USA. Phone: (212) 779-7168, Toll Free: (888) 983-8767, Fax: (212) 779-0948, Website:
    Games to play: Blackjack; Roulette
  • European Vision, Cruise Ship, First European Cruises, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10016-7801, USA. Phone: (212) 779-7168, Toll Free: (888) 983-8767, Fax: (212) 779-0948, Website:
    Games to play: Blackjack, Roulette
  • Flamenco, Cruise Ship, First European Cruises, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10016-7801, USA. Phone: (212) 779-7168, Toll Free: (888) 983-8767, Fax: (212) 779-0948, Website:
    Games to play: Blackjack, Roulette
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and the Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (Continental Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (800), Swimming Pool (2 outdoor pools), Tonnage (17,270 tons), Year the boat entered service (1972, originally named the Sun Princess), Year the boat was refurbished (1997)
  • Mistral, Cruise Ship, First European Cruises, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10016-7801, USA. Phone: (212) 779-7168, Toll Free: (888) 983-8767, Fax: (212) 779-0948, Website:
    Games to play: Blackjack, Roulette
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (Caribbean and Southeastern Waters), Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and the Mediterranean), Cruise Itineraries (Trans-Atlantic), Cuisine Offered (Continental Cuisine), Health Club, Number of Passengers (1,200), Spa, Swimming Pool (Two outdoor pools), Tonnage (47,900 tons), Year the boat entered service (1999)
  • The Azur, Cruise Ship, First European Cruises, 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 1203, New York, New York 10016-7801, USA. Phone: (212) 779-7168, Toll Free: (888) 983-8767, Fax: (212) 779-0948, Website:
    Games to play: Blackjack, Roulette
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and the Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (Continental Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (720), Swimming Pool (two outdoor pools), Tonnage (14,717 tons), Year the boat entered service (1971, originally named the Eagle), Year the boat was refurbished (1996)
  • Black Prince, Cruise Ship, Fred Olsen Cruise Lines, 33 Little West 12th Street, Suite 106, New York, New York 10014-1313, USA. Toll Free: (800) 843-0602, (800) 688-3876 (Business Office), Fax: (212) 366-4747, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and the Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (451), Spa, Swimming Pool (Indoor and outdoor pools), Tonnage (11,209 tons), Year the boat entered service (1966), Year the boat was refurbished (1998)
  • Black Watch, Cruise Ship, Fred Olsen Cruise Lines, 33 Little West 12th Street, Suite 106, New York, New York 10014-1313, USA. Toll Free: (800) 843-0602, (800) 688-3876 (Business Office), Fax: (212) 366-4747, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (Caribbean and Southeastern Waters), Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and the Mediterranean), Cruise Itineraries (Trans-Atlantic), Cuisine Offered (Continental Cuisine), Health Club, Number of Passengers (798 passengers), Swimming Pool (Indoor and outdoor pools), Tonnage (28,492 tons), Year the boat entered service (1972, originally named the "Royal Viking Star"), Year the boat was refurbished (1996)
  • Melody, Cruise Ship, Mediterranean Shipping Cruises, 420 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10018-2709, USA. Phone: (212) 764-4800, Toll Free: (800) 222-3367, Fax: (212) 764-8593, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (Caribbean and Southeastern Waters), Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and the Mediterranean), Cruise Itineraries (Trans-Atlantic), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club, Number of Passengers (1,076), Swimming Pool (2 outdoor pools), Tonnage (36,500 tons), Year the boat entered service (1982, originally named the Atlantic), Year the boat was refurbished (1997)
  • Monterey, Cruise Ship, Mediterranean Shipping Cruises, 420 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10018-2709, USA. Phone: (212) 764-4800, Toll Free: (800) 222-3367, Fax: (212) 764-8593, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (550), Swimming Pool (outdoor pool), Tonnage (20,000 tons), Year the boat entered service (1952, originally named the Free State Mariner), Year the boat was refurbished (1998)
  • Rhapsody, Cruise Ship, Mediterranean Shipping Cruises, 420 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10018-2709, USA. Phone: (212) 764-4800, Toll Free: (800) 222-3367, Fax: (212) 764-8593, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (750), Swimming Pool (outdoor pool), Tonnage (17,500 tons), Year the boat entered service (1976, originally named the Cunard Princess), Year the boat was refurbished (1998)
  • Odysseus, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (400), Spa, Swimming Pool (outdoor pool), Tonnage (12,000 tons), Year the boat entered service (1962), Year the boat was refurbished (1995)
  • Olympia Countess, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Games to play: Slot machines (41); Blackjack (1 table), Poker (1 table), Roulette (1 table); Video Poker (4 machines)
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (840), Spa, Swimming Pool (Outdoor pool), Tonnage (18,000 tons), Year the boat entered service (1976, originally named the Cunard Countess), Year the boat was refurbished (1997)
  • Olympia Explorer, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Games to play: Slots machines (44); Blackjack (4 tables), Roulette (2 tables)
    Facilities: Health Club, Swimming Pool
  • Olympia Voyager, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (840), Spa, Swimming Pool (outdoor pool), Tonnage (18,000 tons), Year the boat entered service (2000)
  • Stella Solaris, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (620), Spa, Swimming Pool (double outdoor pool), Tonnage (18,000), Year the boat entered service (1953), Year the boat was refurbished (1998)
  • Triton, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Games to play: Slot machines (64); Blackjack (3 tables), Poker (1 table), Roulette (2 tables); Video Poker (1 machine)
    Features: Cruise Itineraries (European Waters and Mediterranean), Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (Fitness Center), Number of Passengers (620), Swimming Pool (outdoor), Tonnage (14,000 tons), Year the boat entered service (1971, originally named the Cunard Adventurer), Year the boat was refurbished (1996)
  • World Renaissance, Cruise Ship, Royal Olympia Cruises, 805 Third Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10022-7513, USA. Phone: (212) 688-7555, Toll Free: (800) 872-6400, Fax: (212) 688-2304, Website:
    Games to play: Slot machines (20); Blackjack (1 table), Roulette (1 table)
    Features: Cuisine Offered (International Cuisine), Health Club (fitness center), Number of Passengers (455), Swimming Pool (2 outdoor pools), Tonnage (12,000 tons), Year the boat entered service (1966), Year the boat was refurbished (1997)

Niagara Falls - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Niagara Falls.
Seneca Niagara Casino, 310 Fourth Street, (PO Box 777), Niagara Falls, New York 14303, USA. Phone: (716) 299-1100, Toll Free: (877) 873-6322, Fax: (716) 299-1200, Website:
Gaming time: 24 hours daily
Games to play: Slot machines (2,625); 3 Card Poker (5 tables), Baccarat (2 tables), Blackjack (64 tables), Caribbean Stud Poker (7 tables), Craps (8 tables), Let it Ride (5 tables), Mini-Baccarat (4 tables), Pai Gow Poker (5 tables), Roulette (12 tables)
Restaurants/Bars: Morrie’s Place (Pub), Thunder Falls Buffet (Buffet Style)
Facilities: Gift Shop, Players Club

Salamanca - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Salamanca.
Seneca Nation Bingo - Allegany Reservation, 768 Broad Street, (PO Box 231), Salamanca, New York 14779-1331, USA. Phone: (716) 945-4080, Fax: (716) 945-3354
Gaming time: Sun-Thu 9:30am-3:00am, Fri-Sat 9:30am-6:00am
Games to play: Bingo (600 seats); Electronic Bingo (100 seats), Video Lottery Terminals (195 machines), Video Slots (70 machines)

Verona - There is one listed land-based gambling casino in Verona.
Turning Stone Casino Resort, (Casino located within the Hotel), 5218 Patrick Road, (PO Box 126), Verona, New York 13478-3012, USA. Phone: (315) 361-7711, Toll Free: (800) 771-7711, Fax: (315) 361-7901, Website:
Gaming time: 24 hours daily
Games to play: Slot Machines (2,100), Progressive Slots; Acey-Deucey (Red Dog), Baccarat (3 tables), Blackjack (60 tables), Caribbean Stud Poker (6 tables), Craps (16 tables), Fruit Wheel (1 table), Let it Ride (12 tables), Mini-Baccarat (3 tables), Money Wheel, Pai Gow Poker (6 tables), Poker (15 tables), Red Dog (1 table), Roulette (16 tables), Sic Bo (1 table); Bingo (960 seats), High Stakes Bingo; Keno, Progressive Video Poker, Pull Tabs, Video Poker, Video Slots
Restaurants/Bars: Crystals (Hamburgers) - Lunch, Dinner; Delta Cafe (Café - breakfast, lunch, dinner); Emerald Restaurant (American - breakfast, lunch, dinner); Forest Grill Steakhouse (Steak - breakfast, lunch, dinner); Garden Buffet (Buffet Style - breakfast, lunch, dinner); Peach Blossom (Chinese - lunch, dinner); Pino Bianco Trattoria (Italian - breakfast, lunch, dinner); Stone Roast Coffee Company (Café/Cafe); Stone Street Deli (Deli/Grill)
Facilities: Arcade, Currency Exchange, Dance Floor, Free Parking, Gift Shop, Health Club, Meeting Facility, Restaurants (9), Showroom (800 seats), Swimming Pool, Valet Parking
Turning Stone Hotel: Toll Free Reservations: 800-771-7711, Room Types 277 Hotel Rooms, 30 Suites
Other facilities: 24 Hour Front Desk, Air Conditioning, Arcade, Cable Television, Children free in parents room, Complimentary Newspaper, Computer Hook-ups, Cribs Available, Fitness Center, Gift Shop, In-room gaming, In-room Hairdryer, In-room Telephone, Live Entertainment, Lounge, Massages, Meeting Facility, Non-Smoking Rooms, Pool, Room Service, Salon, Sauna, Shops (6 retail shops), Sun Bathing Decks, TV, Wheel Chair Accessible, Whirlpool

Yonkers - There is 1 listed land-based gambling casino in Yonkers.

Empire City at Yonkers Raceway,
Automats games casino.810 Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704, USA. Phone: 914.968.4200, Website:
Minimum Gaming Age: 18
ID/Passport: Required
Gaming Currency: USD
Games to play: Slots
Facilities: Restaurant
[January 2010 last update]

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