IL Illinois bingo halls, USA, listed by city:
(Directory listing. Use this form to add, to update or to remove a Bingo Hall listing.)
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Bingo Halls (In the Illinois bingo listings, day and time of play, type of games, facilities etc., if shown, are indicative and may change. Phone before you go. Listings that don't show when 'Submitted' are old pre-2001 listings. Please note: We rely on the bingo hall owner/administrator to report changes and closures, and we receive feedback from visitors, which is helpful and very much appreciated.)
- Saint Charles
~ VFW,
119 N 3rd Street,
Saint Charles, Illinois 60174-1816,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-7:30
Phone: (630) 377-9845
- Sandwich
~ St Pauls Catholic Church,
340 W Arnold Rd,
Sandwich, Illinois,
USA. Game play: Sun-7:00
Phone: (815) 786-8964
- Sauk Village
~ St James Church,
22410 S Torrence Ave,
Sauk Village, Illinois 60411-5701,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:45
Phone: (708) 757-2178
- Savanna
~ Moose 1095,
125 Main St,
Savanna, Illinois 61074-1931,
USA. Game play: Wed-6:30
Phone: (815) 273-7412
~ St John the Baptist Church,
318 Chicago Ave,
Savanna, Illinois 61074-1920,
USA. Game play: Mon-6:30
Phone: (815) 273-3961
- Schiller Park
~ St Beatrice Bingo,
4133 Wagner,
Schiller Park, Illinois 60176-1949,
USA. Game play: Sun-4:45 pm
Phone: (847) 678-0138
- South Beloit
~ St Peters School,
301 Oak Grove Ave,
South Beloit, Illinois 61080-1938,
USA. Game play: Mon & Fri-7:00
Phone: (815) 389-9995
- South Elgin
~ Lions Club,
500 Fulton St,
South Elgin, Illinois 60177-0221,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00 pm
Phone: (847) 888-9575
- Sparta
~ Lourdes Council,
611 W Broadway,
Sparta, Illinois 62286-1643,
USA. Game play: Thu- 6:45 pm
Phone: (618) 443-2811
~ VFW,
1911 N Market,
Sparta, Illinois 62286-1078,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (618) 443-5851
- Springfield
~ American Center, 1501 E. Griffiths Ave, Springfield, Illinois 62702, USA. Phone: 217-523-8275, Email:, Contact name: Patricia Brewer, Disabled facilities: Handicapped accessible, Playtime: Thursday at 12:P.M.
[Submitted August 2012 ]
~ Big Brothers/Big Sisters,
909 East Converse,
Springfield, Illinois 62702-4039,
USA. Game play: 7 days, 5:45 Sat & Sun-11:30am & 5:45
Phone: (217) 523-3021
~ Victory Bingo Hall, 750 N. 19th Street, Springfield, IL 62702, US. Phone: (217)789-1047, Email:, Website:, Playtime: Games start 6:15pm 7 nights a week
[Submitted April 2007, updated April 2009.]
- Steeleville
~ American Legion,
303 S Chester,
Steeleville, Illinois 62288-1912,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (618) 965-3362
- Sterling
~ Moose,
2601 E Lincolnway,
Sterling, Illinois 61081-0415,
USA. Game play: Tue-7:00 Thu-1:00
Phone: (815) 625-0354
~ St Marys School,
6 West 6th St,
Sterling, Illinois 61081-3521,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (815) 625-2253
- Stonington
~ American Legion,
401 W North St,
Stonington, Illinois,
USA. Game play: Sat-7:00
Phone: (217) 325-3231
- Streator
~ Knights of Columbus,
800 Oakley Ave,
Streator, Illinois 61364-1025,
USA. Game play: Sun 1:00 p.m.
Phone: (815) 673-2900
[Submitted April 2011 ]
~ Moose,
RR 4 Skelgas Rd,
Streator, Illinois 61364-9804,
USA. Game play: Fri 6:30 p.m.
Phone: (815) 672-6301
[Submitted April 2011 ]
- Summit
~ VFW #6863,
7256 W 63rd Street,
Summit, Illinois 60501,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (708) 458-7844
- Swansea
~ Cathoic Fraternal Life,
2800 N Illinois Street,
Swansea, Illinois 62222,
USA. Game play: Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun
Phone: (618) 235-2420
- Sycamore
~ Sycamore Veterans Club, 121 S. California Street, Sycamore, IL 60178, USA. Phone: (815) 895-2931, Playtime: Wednesday at 7 PM
Remarks: Ticket sales begin at 6 PM, Bird Raffle, Chance-On-Chance Jackpots
[Submitted August 2023 ]
- Taylor Springs
~ VFW#1306,
South Rte 127,
Taylor Springs, Illinois 62089-0276,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (217) 532-3241
- Taylorville
~ American Legion 73,
110 W Franklin,
Taylorville, Illinois 62568-2216,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:45
Phone: (217) 287-1212
~ Eagles 1425,
217 E Main Cross,
Taylorville, Illinois 62568-2227,
USA. Game play: Mon & Wed-7:00
Phone: (217) 824-9652
- Teutopolis
~ Knights of Columbus,
210 S Pearl Street,
Teutopolis, Illinois,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:30
Phone: (217) 857-3111
- Tinley Park
~ IOV Lodge 13,
6730 W 175th St,
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477-4042,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (708) 532-7220
~ Southwest Community Services (SCS), 6775 Prosperi Drive, Tinley Park, IL 60477, USA. Phone: 708-429-1260, Contact name: Sandy, Website:, Playtime: Tuesdays 5:00 pm starting May 12th 2009, Disabled facilities: Wheel-chair accessible
[Submitted April 2009 ]
~ St George,
6707 W 175th St,
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477-4041,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00 pm
Phone: (708) 532-2243
~ Tinley Park Community Church, 7939 W. 167th Stree, Tinley Park, IL 60477, USA. Phone: 708 429-1911, Playtime: Wednesday, 7 PM
Remarks: Non-Smoking bingo! Door opens at 5:00 PM. Food and drinks available for purchase.
[Submitted February 2006 ]
~ Tinley Park High School Bands, 6611 175th st, Tinley park, IL 60477, USA. Phone: 630-697-9728, Email:, Contact name: Ralph J Politano, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: September 14, 2016, 5.30 open, games at 7pm
Remarks: Bingos for rest of year 10/12, 11/9, then 1/11/17, 2/8/17, 3/8/17, 4/12/17. Light meal will be available for $5.
[Submitted November 2015, updated September 2016.]
~ Tinley Park-Park District, 8125 171st Street, Tinley Park, IL 60477, USA. Phone: 708-342-4200, Email:, Contact name: Melissa Olejarz, Website:, Disabled facilities: Senior Drop-In Program, Playtime: 1st Thursday of the month
Remarks: Free to play. Prizes are won. Birthday's are also celebrated. For ages 60 and over! Membership is not required.
[Submitted September 2012 ]
~ VFW #2791,
17147 S Oak Park Ave,
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477,
USA. Phone: 708-532-2333, Email:, Game play: Mon
[Submitted March 2005 ]
- Toledo
~ American Legion,
203 New Jersey St,
Toledo, Illinois 62468-0309,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (217) 849-3364
- Trenton
~ VFW 7983,
801 E Broadway,
Trenton, Illinois 62293-1419,
USA. Game play: Sat- 7:30 pm
Phone: (618) 224-7241
- Tuscola
~ Moose,
807 E Southline Road,
Tuscola, Illinois 61953-2054,
USA. Game play: Tue & Thu-7:00
Phone: (217) 253-2911
- Vandalia
~ American Legion,
321 S 7th St,
Vandalia, Illinois 62471-2731,
USA. Game play: Mon & Fri-7:00
Phone: (618) 283-0832
~ Moose,
329 S 3rd St,
Vandalia, Illinois 62471-2843,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:15
Phone: (618) 283-0731
- Villa Park
~ VFW,
208 E North Ave,
Villa Park, Illinois 60181-1221,
USA. Game play:
Phone: (630) 782-0815
- Virden
~ Knights of Columbus,
1320 N Dye,
Virden, Illinois 62690-1156,
USA. Game play: Fri-6:50
Phone: (217) 965-3665
- Waltonville
~ VFW,
195 E Main St,
Waltonville, Illinois 62894-1212,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (618) 279-7259
- Warren
~ American Legion,
811 Anson St,
Warren, Illinois 61087-9751,
USA. Game play: Fri- 7:00
Phone: (815) 745-9612
- Washington
~ American Legion,
211 Legion Road,
Washington, Illinois 61571-0083,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (309) 745-8968
- Waterloo
~ VFW #6504, 406 Veterans Drive, Waterloo, Illinois 62298, USA. Game play: Thursday evening 6:30pm, Phone: 618-939-7217
Remarks: Electronics available. Sponsored by St. Peter and Paul Catholic School. More information can be found at
[Submitted December 2009 ]
- Wauconda
~ American Legion,
514 S Main St,
Wauconda, Illinois 60084-0146,
USA. Game play: Mon-7:00
Phone: (847) 526-9718
- Waukegan
~ Moose,
2755 Washington Street,
Waukegan, Illinois 60085-4928,
USA. Game play: Fri-7:00
Phone: (847) 662-9663
~ St. Anastasia Bingo, 624 Douglas Ave, Waukegan, IL 60085, USA. Phone: (847) 623-2875, Website:, Playtime: 7:00pm
Remarks: Friendliest game around. Two $500 Bingo Jackpots. Lightning, Thunder, Pull Tabs and lots of fun. See
[Submitted March 2010 ]
- West Chicago
~ American Legion Post 300, 123 Main, West Chicago, Illinois 60185, USA. Phone: 630-231-2112
Remarks: Bingo every Friday night. Doors open 5:00 pm bingo start 7:00 pm.
[Submitted February 2012 ]
~ VFW Post 6791, 431 No. Neltor (Rte. 59) Boulevard, West Chicago, IL 60185, USA. Phone: 6302319823, Playtime: every Wednesday 7pm; every Sunday 2pm
[Submitted July 2012 ]
- Westchester
~ Immaculate Heart of Mary,
10900 W Cermak,
Westchester, Illinois 60154-4170,
USA. Game play: Sat & Sun-7:00 pm
Phone: (708) 562-3115
- Westville
~ Belgium Banquet Hall, 3015 Georgetown Rd., Westville, Illinois 61883, Verm, USA. Phone: 217-267-2141, Playtime: Mon 11:00 am, 6:15 pm; Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun 6:15 pm
[Submitted March 2008 ]
~ St Marys Roman Catholic,
225 N State St,
Westville, Illinois 61883-1486,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:00
Phone: (217) 267-7730
- Wheaton
~ VFW,
0N731 Papworth Street,
Wheaton, Illinois 60187-3192,
USA. Game play: Wed-7:00
Phone: (630) 668-8756
- Wheeling
~ AMVETS 66,
700 N McHenry Rd,
Wheeling, Illinois 60090-3861,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (847) 537-0440
~ Progressive Community Bingo, 1000 North Milwaukee Avenue, Wheeling, IL 60090, USA. Phone: 847-943-9721, Hotline: 847-943-9721, Email:, Contact name: Manager, Website:, Disabled facilities: Yes, Playtime: Tuesday, 5 - 9 PM
Remarks: If you like bingo please come and play at our location at Chevy Chase Country Club (1000 North Milwaukee Avenue in Wheeling between Deerfield. Ample free parking, food & drink concessions (no outside food, please), handicapped accessible, cash door prize, pull tabs. Two $500 games, guaranteed payouts.
[Submitted June 2012, updated January 2013.]
~ Wheeling Jackpot Bingo, 700 N McHenry Rd, Amvets Building, Wheeling, IL 60090, USA. Phone: 847-537-0440, Website:, Playtime: Friday night, doors open 5:30pm games start 7:00pm, card sales 5:30 - 6:50 pm
Remarks: 16 games, 5 progressive Jackpot games, Raffle tabs and Slots! Lowest prices in the area, discount player packages available.
[Submitted April 2017 ]
- White Hall
~ VFW,
343 W Lincoln,
White Hall, Illinois 62092-1140,
USA. Game play: Tue-6:45
Phone: (217) 374-2515
- Wilmington
~ VFW Post 5422, 557 West Baltimore Street, Wilmington, IL 60481, United States. Phone: 815-476-9210, Playtime: Doors open at 5:15pm
[Submitted September 2010 ]
- Wonder Lake
~ Dales Bingo Bus/Potawatomi Bingo Casino, 4905 W Wonder Lake Dr, Wonder Lake, Il 60097, USA. Phone: 815-354-8232, Email:, Contact name: Dale Schultz, Disabled facilities: Wheel chair accessible bus, Playtime: Friday Satruday night, Sunday afternoon
Remarks: This Bus is wheel chair accessible and the service is customized for the riders home address to make a central pick up point.
[Submitted April 2012 ]
- Wood Dale
~ VFW 2149, 510 Georgetown Sq., Wood Dale, Illinois 60191, Du Page, USA. Phone: 630-766-0334, Disabled facilities: Accessible restrooms, Playtime: Tuesdays, first game 7:00 pm
Remarks: Progressive Lightning and FIREPLUG Jackpots every week. Serving freshly made food (hot dogs, burgers, soups, sides and more).
[Submitted December 2014 ]
- Wood River
~ Moose,
1150 Vaughn Road,
Wood River, Illinois 62095-1848,
USA. Game play: Thu-6:45
Phone: (618) 259-0069
~ VFW,
231 Edwardsville Rd,
Wood River, Illinois 62095-1555,
USA. Game play: Sun-6:30
Phone: (618) 259-9790
- Worden
~ American Legion,
237 W Wall St,
Worden, Illinois 62097-0505,
USA. Game play: Sun-7:00
Phone: (618) 459-3236
- Yorkville
~ American Legion,
9054 Route 34,
Yorkville, Illinois,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (630) 553-7117
- Zeigler
~ American Legion,
104 S Main St,
Zeigler, Illinois 62999-1108,
USA. Game play: Wed & Fri-7:00
Phone: (618) 596-6011
~ Eagles,
114 N Main St,
Zeigler, Illinois 62999-1117,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00
Phone: (618) 596-5651
- Zion
~ Women of The Moose,
41517 N Sheridan,
Zion, Illinois 60099-0034,
USA. Game play: Thu-7:00 Sun-2:00pm
Phone: (847) 746-1443
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