Websites that link-back to from a subpage are designated Link Partners and appear above the regular listing in their category with the Title in bold and the Smiley icon showing next to their listing.
Websites that link to from the Homepage (or the same listed URL) are designated Top Partners and are placed at the top of the list and also have the il dado Favicon icon (bookmark icon) showing.
All Partner listings will also show a clickable Vote icon next to their link giving them the opportunity to gain points. Each time a visitor clicks on it, will gain you a point. Those that receive high points will be listed on the Top links page. A small 88x31 clickable banner is optional, in addition to the text link, as shown below.
Listing examples:
Your Gambling Site Title
This is a top partner listing who has a link (text or graphic) to on the submitted or listed URL or home page.
Your Gambling Site Title
This is a top partner listing who has a link (text or graphic)
to on the submitted or listed URL or home page.
(The same as the lisitng above it but with 88x31 banner)
Your Gambling Site Title
This is a partner listing who has a link (text or graphic) to anywhere on his website.
Your Gambling Site Title
This is a partner listing who has a link (text or graphic)
to anywhere on his website.
(The same as the lisitng above it but with 88x31 banner)
Your Gambling Site Title
This is a regular listing.