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Poker Glossary
Poker terms Q to Z, meaning of words: Terminology, Jargon, Slang, Vocabulary.

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Quads - Four of a kind.
Qualifier - In poker, the minimum standard a hand must meet in order for it to be eligible for part of the pot.

Rabbits - Weak players.
Rabbit Hunting - Is the act of asking to see what cards would have come up if a hand had continued. For example, if a hold'em poker player folds a flush draw, but would like to know if the flush would have come in, he or she might ask the dealer to deal out the next few cards. Some cardrooms prohibit it.
Rack - Plastic, wooden or metal tray to place rows of poker chips.
Rainbow - Three or four cards of different suits.
Raise - In poker, a player raises by matching the previous bet and then betting more (adding more money to the pot), to increase the stake for remaining players.
Rags - Cards that do not help a hand.
Railbirds - Spectators.
Railroad bible - Deck of cards.
Rake - The percentage of a pot that the casino/house keeps. The money that the casino charges for each hand of poker. It is usually a percentage (5-10%) or flat fee that is taken from the pot after each round of betting.
Rank - The worth of a set of cards.
Read - To read someone is to have a good idea what their cards are based on the way they play (or by spotting tells).
Re-buy - When you first sit down at a game, you buy in with a certain amount of money. Re-buying is what you do when you buy more chips before you leave. Re-buys are also allowed in some tournaments to players who fall below a certain point - usually only up until a certain point and often limited to a fixed number of re-buys. The time during which one may re-buy, usually lasting from the start through the early stages of the tournament, is called the re-buy period. Tournaments with re-buys are called, generically, re-buy tournaments.
Represent - To bet in such a way as to indicate that you have a certain hand.
Riffling (Card Riffling) - A commonly used shuffling process. To accomplish a riffle, the deck is divided roughly in half and the two halves are interleaved by pulling the card corners up with the thumbs and letting the two halves 'riffle' together. Riffling is also sometimes called 'zipping' the cards. Like card Stripping (see below), the riffling process can span a range from a fine riffle to a coarse riffle.
River - The final (seventh) card dealt in Hold'em, Omaha or Seven Card Stud. In seven-card stud, staying in until the fifth and final round of betting is called going to the river.
Road gang - Team of cheats.
Rock Garden - A game of tight players.
Rolled Up - In Seven Card Stud, three of a kind on the first three cards.
Round - Refers to either to a round of betting or a round of hands.
Rounder - An astute player who knows all the angles and earns his living at the poker table. The opposite of a 'sucker'.
Round of Play - A round or hand of play can consist of a single wager or several wagers made during the time of a short wagering event. For example, in poker the round of play (wagering event) begins with the dealing of the cards and ends when the winning player takes the pot. In casino craps a round of play begins with the 'come out' roll and ends when the passline wagers are decided. This may take one or several rolls of the dice. In between, the player might have multiple wagers riding on several different numbers and other betting options. All wagers made between the time of the come out roll and the decision roll are considered to be part of that round of play. In roulette each spin is counted as a round of play, no matter how many bets you place.
Royal Flush (Also, Royal Straight Flush or Royal) - An Ace-high straight flush; the best possible poker hand.
Running - Two needed cards that come as the last two cards dealt are said to be running.
Rush - A player who wins a large number of pots in a short period of time is said to be on a rush.

Sailboats or Sail Boats - Pocket fours (4,4 starting hand).
Sandbag - To check and then raise the opener, or to check holding back raising to get more money in the pot.
Scare Card - A card that when it appears makes a better hand more likely (e.g. In Hold'em, a third suited card on the river is a scare card, because it makes a flush possible).
Scarne Cut - To cut by pulling cards from the center of the deck and placing them on top of the deck.
Schenck's Rules - First known rules of poker.
Schoolboy Draw - An unsound, unwise draw.
Scoop - To win an entire pot, especially in high-low split games.
Scoot - Scooting is the practice of passing chips to another player after winning a pot. Typically, scooting partners will agree to 'scoot' each other a predetermined number of chips after winning each pot. Most Casinos prohibit this.
Seating List - In most cardrooms, if there is no seat available for you when you arrive, you can put your name on a list to be seated when a seat opens up. Typically, games are listed across the top of a board, and names are written below each game so that players are seated for games in the order in which they arrive.
Seat Position - The position of a player relative to the other players.
Seconds - Cheating by dealing the second card instead of the top card.
See - To call a bet.
Semi-bluff - Similar to a Bluff, except that the Semi-bluff has some chance of making a winning hand.
Sequence - Cards of consecutive value as in a straight.
Sequential Declaration - The last bettor or raiser being required to declare his hand in high-low poker.
Session - The time period in which a poker game is held.
Set - Three of a kind with two in the hole. In pai gow poker, players set their seven cards into two separate hands of two and five cards each.
Seven Card Flip - Seven-card stud poker in which the first four cards are dealt facing down and then the player turns any two, face up.
Seven Card Stud - A variation of poker dealing seven cards to each player, but only five cards are used to make a hand.
Sevens Rule - A rule in low-ball poker in which a player with seven low or better must bet or forfeit further profits from the pot.
Seventh Street - In seven-card stud, the fifth and final round of betting is called seventh street because players have seven cards.
Shiner - A tiny mirror or any reflecting device used by a cheater to see unexposed cards.
Short Call - To call part of a bet (short call) in table stakes with all the money one has on the table.
Shorthanded - A game is said to be short-handed when it falls below a certain number of players.
Short Pair - A pair lower than openers, such as a pair of tens in jackpots.
Short Stack - A player who is 'short stacked' has too few chips to cover the likely betting in a hand.
Short Stud - Five-card stud poker.
Shotgun - Draw poker with extra rounds of betting that start after the third card is dealt.
Shove Them Along - Five-card stud poker in which each player has the choice to keep his first up card dealt to him or to pass it to the player on his left.
Showdown - When all the betting's done, if more than one player is still in the pot, the players who remain in the pot must show their hands in the showdown to determine the winner.
Shuffle - Before each hand the dealer mixes up the order of the cards.
Shuffling (Card Shuffling) - Is a generic term which encompasses all card mixing techniques used to prepare a deck or a shoe for continued play. All casino shuffling processes employ a combination of mixing techniques. These may include 'Stripping' or 'washing' the cards as well as 'riffling', 'boxing', 'plugging', 'cutting' and other off-spring techniques. All shuffling processes employ multiple riffles of 'clumps', 'picks', or 'grabs' to achieve some level of randomization. The shoe games, which use multiple decks of cards (4, 6, or 8 decks), will often employ the most intricate riffling patterns of all. In these, the picks are riffled together and then re-picked and re-riffled in complex symmetric patterns.
Side Money - The amount set aside from the main pot in table stakes. See 'Side Pot' below.
Side Pot - If the call bet or the raise bet is $20 and a player has $15 only, this player makes an 'all in' bet (he puts all his money into the pot). In this case a side pot is created for those players who have more money to bet. The $5 difference is placed into this side pot. All other active players carry on betting and and their money is placed into this side pot and if at the end one of them has the best hand, he or she wins both; the main pot and the side pot. If the 'all in' player has the best hand, he or she claims the main pot, and the side pot is awarded to the best hand among those players who were still active in betting. You win a pot that you put money into.
Sign on Your Back - Someone identified as a cheater.
Singleton - In poker, a card that is the only one of its rank.
Sixth Street - In seven-card stud, the fourth round of betting is called sixth street because players have six cards.
Skin - A dollar.
Skin Game - A game having two or more collusion cheaters.
Skinning the Hand - A cheater's technique to get rid of extra cards.
Skoon - A dollar.
Slowplay - To slow-play is to underbet a very strong hand.
Slowroll (Slow rolling) - An annoying habit that means you slowly reveal that you have the winning hand. To reveal one's hand slowly at showdown, one card at a time (to irritate other players who think they won).
Small Blind - See 'Big Blind'.
Smooth Call - To call one or more bets with a hand that's strong enough for a raise.
Snap Off - To beat someone, often a bluffer, and usually with a not especially powerful hand, is to snap them off.
Snarker - A player who wins a pot and then ridicules the loser.
Soft - Easy.
South - (USA) Fold.
Spikes - A pair of aces.
Splash (the pot) - To throw your chips into the pot, instead of placing them in front of you.
Spread Limit - Betting limits in which there is a fixed minimum and maximum bet for each betting round, and any amount in between these limits may be bet.
Squeeze Bet or Squeeze Raise - To bet or raise against another strong hand in order to extract more money from a third player holding a weaker hand.
Stack - All your chips.
Steal - To (attempt to) steal a pot is to make a bet when it appears no one else has anything. To win the pot by bluffing.
Steam - A player who is on 'Tilt' is sometimes said to be steaming.
Stenographers - Four queens.
Still Pack - The deck of cards not in play when two decks are used.
Stonewall - One who calls to the end with a poor hand.
Straddle - Doubling the blind. Live straddle is a live bet equivalent to two big blinds. The player placing the straddle effectively becomes the 'bigger blind'. It is a voluntary additional blind made by the player 'under the gun' (UTG, the player who is first to act) after the posting of the small and big blinds, but before cards are dealt. The person who makes the straddle bet gets to bet last in the pre-flop round. A straddle counts as a blind and not a bet, so the player who made it can still raise if everybody calls his straddle.
Straight - Five cards of consecutive ranks or in sequence.
Straight Draw - Draw poker not requiring openers.
Straight Flush - A hand consisting of five cards of consecutive ranks and of the same suit.
Streak - A run of winning or losing hands.
Street - The betting interval in a hand, e.g. the fifth card dealt in Seven Card Stud is known as fifth street.
Stringer - A straight.
Stripping (Card Stripping) - Is a shuffling technique which reverses the sequential order of the cards in the deck. For instance, imagine if a dealer took the first card off the top of a deck and placed it on the table and then took the second card off the top and placed it on top of the first card. If this process were continued until the 52nd card was placed on top, then the sequential ordering among the cards would have been completely reversed. This characterizes the basic process of striping. The process described above would be a very fine strip. Often the dealers will speed up the process by rapidly pulling small clumps of cards off the top of the deck rather than a single card at a time. The number of cards in the clumps determine how fine or coarse the striping process is.
Stud Poker - One of the two basic forms of poker game (the other is draw poker) and played with open or exposed cards (up cards) and with one or more concealed cards known as hole cards (down cards).
Suicide King - The king of hearts (showing a sword pointed at its head).
Suit - Any one of the four types of cards: clubs, diamonds, hearts or spades.
Super Stud Poker - A five-card poker game known as Caribbean Stud Poker and Casino Stud Poker, but with a Progressive Jackpot. The "Super" (used in UK casinos) is to say that the game runs a Progressive Jackpot. Tables of the same game are interconnected with other participating casinos, and any player that makes a Royal Flush wins the Jackpot. There are smaller prizes for the top hands such as "four of a kind" and "full house".

Table Stakes - Stakes in which the betting and raising is limited to the amount of money a player has in front of him. The amount of money or chips a player puts on the table, which he may not add to or reduce, during the hand.
Take It or Leave It - See 'Shove Them Along' above.
Talon - The remainder of the deck after the deal.
Tap - Tap the table means to check. Also, to bet all one's money in table stakes. Also (USA), to bet the amount of an opponent's entire stack, forcing him to go 'all in' if he calls the bet.
Tap City - A player having gone broke in a game.
Tapioca - Out of money.
Tap Out - To bet and lose all one's cash, forcing one to leave the game.
Tap You - A raise. Also, an expression for a player betting an amount equal to all the money his opponent has on the table in table stakes.
Tell - An unconscious gesture that reveals information about your hand.
Tell Play - Observing the dealer's body language and expressions to determine his hole card. In poker game 'tells' pertain to quirks or readable aspects of a players actions, verbal behavior, or body language that give away information about what cards they are holding.
Texas Hold'em - (or simply Hold'em) Is a poker game in which each player gets two pocket cards, while five community cards are dealt face up on the table.
Third Street - In seven-card stud, the first round of betting is called third street because the players have three cards.
Thirty Days or Thirty Miles - Three tens.
Three Of A Kind - Three cards of the same rank.
Tierce - A three-card straight flush.
Tiger - A low hand from the two to the seven.
Tight - Conservative.
Tight Player - A player who seldom bets unless he has a strong hand.
Tilt (Tilting) - Players who are 'on tilt' make bad betting decisions because of their emotions (e.g. frustrated, angry or upset).
Time Cut (Also, Axe or Collection) - Money charged each player on a time basis by the casino or by the poker room owner. Charge is usually on a 3 minute or an hourly basis.
Top Pair - If there are three cards of different ranks on the flop in Hold'em (or any flop game), and you pair the highest one, you have top pair.
Trap - You're 'trapped' if after putting some money in the pot you're faced with the proposition of calling a raise in order to continue, especially an uncomfortably large raise.
Trey - A three.
Tricon, Trio, Triplets, or Trips - Three of a kind.
Turn - The fourth of five community cards in flop games (e.g. Hold'em and Omaha). Sometimes called fourth street.
Two-Card Poker - A poker game in which the best two cards win.
Two Pair - A hand consisting of two sets of pairs and a singleton. A hand consisting of two cards of one rank, and two cards of another rank, and an unpaired card (e.g. KK992).

Underdog - When two hands face off, the underdog is the one that is less likely to win.
Under the Gun - The first player to act after the blind bets is said to be under the gun.
Unlimited Poker - Poker in which no limit is placed on bets or raises.
Up - Refers to the highest pair of two (e.g AA883, you have aces up as they are the higher pair).
UTG - Short for 'under the gun', the player immediately to the left of the big blind who is first to act.

Valet - A jack.
Value - The return you get on your betting investment.

Washing (Card Washing) - A card shuffling technique where the dealer spreads the cards on the table face down and then proceeds to mix them around with his hands flat in a face-washing-like action before gathering them up and performing a more normal shuffle. Card washing is intended to remove any consistencies in the sequencing among the cards that new decks of cards have, or that were produced in play prior to the present shuffle. In standard table poker the cards are washed after every hand before they are subjected to a more conventional shuffling. In blackjack and baccarat, the the cards are washed when old decks are taken out of play and fresh new decks brought in to replace them.
Weak - A style of play characterized by a readiness to fold and a reluctance to raise. Also describes a poor player.
Whangedoodle - A round of jackpots played after a big hand such as four of a kind.
White Meat - Profit.
Wild Card - (Also, Joker) A card that can be labelled whatever suit and rank the possessor wishes to.
Wired (Back-to-Back) - A pair, trips, or four of a kind dealt consecutively or back-to-back in a hand, usually in a stud hand starting with the first card.
Wire-up - Three of a kind with the first three cards.
World Series of Poker - A Hold'em poker tournament with a $10,000 buy-in held every year (in May) at Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas.

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